Chapter 3.

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Three loud knocks on my door is all it took for me to wake up. I glanced at the clock and wanted to scream. I only got three hours of sleep. Without a second thought I began the journey to my door. It took me twice as long as it should have, but eh, I’m lazy so who cares?

“Mia! Good you’re awake, we came to get you to take you to the house!” my dad expressed when he walked in.

“Can you be less perky? It’s too early for these shenanigans.” I replied, my voice slurred from the lack of sleep.

“alright, grab your things and meet us in the lobby in five.” And with that he left.

We were driving for an eternity which in reality was only ten minutes, but we’ve already established I don’t live in the real world. We pulled up to a magnificent stone house. Three stories high, with ceiling to floor windows, and its own private beach. I turned to face my step mom “So when do we move in?” I asked with a mischievous smirk. She just shook her head and got out of the car.

I wanted to explore the house, but I feel like I may pass out if I don’t get some rest right now, so my room will have to do for now. I walked in to a tan room with a large window seat and a king sized bed. Which I flopped down on, not so gracefully and cuddled up immediately; sleep already taking over my body.

“MIA! Wake up! Jay is here!”  my step mom –Val – shouted from my bedroom door.

After getting dressed in high wasted lace shorts, a white tank top and my red Keds I made my way down stairs, only to be met by four younger girls. Lovely, I thought to myself, I’ll have to spend my week babysitting. “Mia! You know Jay. These are her four daughters, her son is around here somewhere.” I heard from my dad on the other side of the room.

“Hi Mia, its nice to see you again!”

“You, too” Play nice, you can get out of it faster. “I’m sure we’ll have a blast together this week!”

“Mum, where’d you pu- Mia?!!!” and at that I’m pretty sure I gave myself whiplash

“LOUIS?!    What are you doing here?”

“That’s her son we were telling you about Mia, you guys are the same age.” My step mom interrupted.

“Yeah, we met on the plane…” I trailed off, not knowing what else to say. “Well I’ll let you guys get settled in; I’ll just be going for a walk on the beach now. I’ll be home for dinner!” I called out over my shoulder.

That night we all sat down and had dinner together. After we finished I told my parents I was going for another walk, something about the beach at night makes me feel at peace.

I wandered around for a while before I found an empty pier. I made myself comfy before pulling out my head phones and playing Drink A Beer by Luke Bryan. It only seems fitting, and it helps me think.

“I took a walk to clear my head

And this is where the walking lead..

Can't believe your really gone

I don't feel like going home

So I'm gonna sit right here,

On the edge of this pier

And watch the sunset disappear

And drink a beer.”

“Mia, you okay?”

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