Chapter 25.

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“I’m going to miss you so much babygirl. I can’t believe this is really happening.” I sniffed into Mia’s neck

“I know Z, just think about it, next time you see me I’m going to be all better.” She smiled back at me with all the reassurance I need.

“Call as soon as you get the chance, okay? We won’t tell anyone anything until you give us the go ahead.” I replied. “I love you babygirl.”

“Answer any questions they have, please? We – I – owe them that much. I love you too bub.” She kissed my cheek and squeezed my waist before moving on to Liam, not much was said between the two but they hugged and he kissed her head before we were waving goodbye.

“This is crazy Li; I can’t believe she’s actually gone now. I know it’s only 6 months, but this is going to be the longest, hardest six months ever. I hate seeing my baby sister have to go through all of this. It’s not fair.” I practically shouted once we got back in the car. I let the tears that have been building up all day loose.

“Let me drive, we’ll go sit down somewhere to eat and head home to face the music.” Liam patted my knee and we switched sides of the car and Liam drove us to a nice sit down restaurant.

Once we ordered Liam looked at me and smiled. “Zayn, listen to me,” I looked up at him, showing him I was listening “This is going to be hard; we’re all going to have our bad days, okay? Mia is going to get better. She’s going to recover and come back in three months the same Mia she was the same time last year, alright?” I nodded, still not wanting to say much.

“I just hate that I watched her go through this all, and that we’re just now getting her help. We could have had her back so long ago.” A tear slipped out of my eye and I wiped it away.

“Yeah, but we can’t dwell on the past anymore. You heard what she told you, she’s doing this to get better so we don’t have to worry about this anymore, about her anymore. She’s more worried about us than she is herself. You have to keep positive. It’s okay to have some bad days, but she is getting better as we speak.”

I smiled at him and bit my lip, “Thank you Li, I really needed that. We’ve never been apart longer than a week, you know? I think for the first week it’s going to seem like it’s just a vacation and that she’ll be back, but it will set in eventually.” He smiled at me and squeezed my hand reassuringly.

“So how do you think everyone is going to react when we get home?” I asked, sipping on my water. Liam just asked and started eating, shaking his head.


“Just thought I’d come to tell you all goodbye. No, this is not a suicide video or anything; I’m just leaving for a while. I’m not going to tell you how long because you’ll drive yourselves crazy over when I’ll be back, so let’s just keep it at a while. I’m going to rehab for my depression and anxiety. I want to tell you all how hard this was for me to do, to just up and leave you all for a while. You are allowed to send me letters, but anything before the two month mark will be read before it’s given to me, if they think it can trigger me they won’t allow me to read it; just keep that in mind. I’m not telling you all where to send the letters until I’m ready, you can give them to Zayn and Liam and they will send it to me. I want you to know that I didn’t pick the two of them, I picked Zayn and Liam overheard us talking one day. I don’t hate you all that is not why I’ve left without saying goodbye, because I love you all more than words can explain. It’s hard enough even thinking about saying goodbye face to face, let alone doing it. I’m not strong enough for that anymore.” Mia was sitting at her desk, wrapped up in one of my sweatshirts and her blessed blanket. She looks so distraught and I’m beginning to wonder if she looked like that all of the time or not. If she did I completely missed it.

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