Chapter 13.

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Bea drug me out into the backyard and made her way to the patio; she seemed to be smiling as bright as possible which made me question her, but I said nothing just waited for her to tell me what she needed to. We waited for about ten minutes before I got tired of it.

“So what did you need to talk to me about?” I let out a sigh.

“Oh yeah! Sorry, wrapped up in my own thoughts.” She still hasn’t stopped smiling. “Niall and I decided to get some ice cream after you left, and he made me wait outside and came back out with my favorite. He remembered, and then he suggested we walk to the park. Well anyways we got there and ran around then he started pushing me on the swings,” she smiled “then  after a while he came around to the front of the swing and stopped me. He kissed me, then when he finally pulled away he asked me to be his girlfriend, so here we are!”

I awed mentally and hugged her. “Bea! That’s awesome, I’m so happy for you!” She nodded and pulled away from the hug.

“How was your date?”

“Well, we went to dinner, then he asked me to be his girlfriend too, and we came back here.” I rushed out, not wanting to make a big deal about it, but clearly she had other plans.

“MIA! THAT IS AMAZING!” she yelled

“Bea, hush. You’ll wake the neighbors. Can we go back in now?” I tried to change the subject, I knew what was coming next.

“Did you guys kiss?” called it. Point for Mia!

“No, it’s the second time he’s tried and I keep turning away. I’ve got to explain it tonight, I’m nervous actually. What if he thinks it’s stupid? What if he laughs because I’m making such a huge deal of it?” I took a shaky breath.

“Mia, chill. He’s known you for three years, he’s not just gonna up and laugh in your face now because of this. You have a legitimate reason, just go explain. We’ll talk in the morning.” I nodded and smiled at her thankfully.

We walked back inside and everyone but Harry was in the kitchen they all looked up at us, I cleared my throat and spoke up, “Lou, I’m gonna go to bed now, come up whenever you’re ready.” I smiled and told everyone else goodnight before retreating upstairs, changed and in bed with the tv playing a movie.

Around 5 minutes later Louis came in and grabbed his clothes to change, and headed into the bathroom after smiling at me. Once he was done getting ready for bed he climbed in next to me and looked at me expectantly. I closed my eyes and willed this nervousness to go away. “Mia, we have to talk about this whether you want to or not.”

I nodded and mumbled “I know, its not that I don’t want to, I’m just nervous you’ll think I’m stupid for it.”

“No, Mia. I promise I’ll hear you out, no matter what. It’s not stupid, okay?” Lou stared straight into my eyes, and his showed nothing but honesty. I nodded and took a deep breath.

“This may take a while.” Lou smiled at me, signaling for me to continue. “I guess its just a security thing. I’ve never had a real boyfriend before now, the only thing that could even resemble a relationship is Jake, and we only ever talked on the phone and over texts. I never met him in person. This is my first relationship and its not that I don’t trust you, because believe me I trust you more than I do a lot of people.”  I took a deep breath. “I’ve never kissed anyone before, and at this point its like a sacred sort of thing to me, I want to cherish it because I’ve waited nineteen years for it. I wanted to wait until we were actually dating to kiss you, but earlier I couldn’t let you kiss me because I hadn’t told you yet.” I sighed in relief, and looked up at Lou.

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