Chapter 30.

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The beginning of April was the first time I saw my friends since I left, and I will admit I hadn’t been able to sleep for a while after they left. I missed them all so much but knowing that in a month and about a week I get to go home to them makes me that much more excited. It’s my birthday today and Zayn and I decided that they weren’t going to come all the way up here just for the day, so it’s just me and Lennon, not that that’s a bad thing. I’ve had the flu for the last two days.

Waking up I felt the throbbing in my head immediately, groaning I rolled over to look at the clock on my bedside table. It’s 10:38 a.m, and the sun is shining brightly through my windows.

“Lennon!” I shouted, knowing she was up, she quickly rushed in the room with her phone pressed against her ear, “Shit, sorry.”

“It’s fine, what do you need?” she questioned. She’s taken care of me for the last two days, getting me whatever I needed whenever I needed it.

“Will you close the curtains, please?” I smiled at her and she nodded.

“How are you feeling today?”

“well I just woke up, but I feel worse than I did yesterday.” I huffed, rolling over to bury my face in my pillows.

“Alright, let me know if you need anything.” She patted my leg and left the room.

I lay there for a while, face in the pillows, entire body feeling like it’s on fire due to a fever and the aches and pains. Around 11 my stomach started feeling uneasy and I quickly jumped up, not wanting to be sick in my bedroom. I ran into the bathroom and knelt on the floor, being sick for the first time since I caught the flu. I heard Len talking to someone in her room, and I heard Kathy, our ‘supervisor’ making her way into the bathroom behind me.

“Mia, you okay in there?”

I groaned and turned to look at her, not having closed the door in my rush to make it to the toilet, “M’not sure. I just got sick, didn’t the doctor give you medication for this?”

“I think so, get back in bed, I’ll be in there in a minute.” I nodded and got up to flush the toilet and rinse my mouth out.

“Mia, come here!” I heard Len call from her room.

“Yeah?” I croaked out, my throat sore from the flu and having just vomited.

“Are you okay? That’s the first time you’ve been sick.” She stated the obvious.

“Mia?” I heard come from her computer screen

“Zayn?” I asked back.

“Yeah, come here.” I slowly made my way to her bed to sit next to her.

“Whoa babygirl, you look like hell.” I scoffed, coughing

“I feel it too, what a great way to spend my 20th birthday, eh?” I joked,

“Get to bed, we’ll talk later. I hope you feel better babe.” he called and blew a kiss at the screen, I returned it and got up to leave the room, once I got to the door I stopped

“Wait, why are you two Skyping without me?” I questioned. Lennon blushed and Zayn didn’t say anything. I rolled my eyes and left the room. 

I lay back down in my now cold bed and sighed in contentment, no doubt it would quickly warm back up from the heat coming off of my body. I turned over to my bedside table and grabbed my glasses slipping them on, hitting the power button on the remote and pulling my charger out of my phone.

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