Chapter 11 || Tears and Trauma

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Brooklyn's POV

I only found out the other day after I had just picked Romeo up from his friends house. He kept asking about a girl I used to go out with, thinking it was Dani.


I push my keys in the door and turn the handle to our grand home.

"Hey mum, dad." I mumbled as I wiped my feet on the door mat.

"Brooklyn, hon. That took longer than I thought, Jamie's is only round the corner." My mum looked at me, confused.

"Oh I had to drop something off for this girl." I shrugged.

"Daniiii. His giiirrllllfriend." Romeo teased, back to his normal self.

"I told you I never went out with a Dani and I'm not now!" I half laughed, half shouted. He was irritating me now.

I saw my mum exchange a worried look with my dad. I'm not sure why. They probably just don't like whenever I get a new girlfriend because of the press and shit.

"Roms, dear. May your mother and I speak to you in the kitchen?" my dad stands up and Romeo skips over to him.

I pretend to go up to bed but once they've closed the door I go to listen. It's muffled so I can't hear much.

"Romeo d.... mention her please..... talked about Brooklyn's prob... before" I kind of hear my mum say.

What problem? Did she say problem?

"Yes. It's not his ..... he was very upset. He did ........ very bad and Dani must not be ..... in this house."

I run upstairs, quickly as I hear footsteps coming towards me.

What are they talking about? I only just met Dani. Do they know her? Is she like my long lost sister or something? No that's gross. I've thought about her in different ways than that... ew.

I need to sleep on this.

*end of flashback*

I need to talk to my parents. They're back from LA next week. I can't wait that long! Damn it. I shouldn't have left Dani though. I'll go to her house now.

I arrive in about ten minutes and I knock on her door. I wait for a little and try again. She probably saw it was me and doesn't want to answer. I don't blame her I was a dick.

After around five minutes I start to get a little worried.

"Dan, Dani. You there?! I've just come to apologise but I really need to see you. Dani!" I yell and decide to check inside.

I know she's in there because her footprints are still wet on the porch.

I look around and see an open window. I decide to take my chances and hop in. I wish I had never met her. She's such a problem. I could find a girl like her in a snap of a finger.

I stumble inside and land on the floor.


I rush upstairs and look in her bedroom. Not in there. I try another bedroom, which looks to be her parents. Not there either.

"Dan-" I am cut off and I cover my mouth when I enter the bathroom. "Dani my god. You needed me to help with your problems and I left. I'm so sorry."

I pick her up in my arms. She is wet and bloody. She is also cold. I decide to check her pulse. I can't find it and hope she doesn't kill me later if I try her heart beat.

I press my hand to her chest and thank god I find it. I was never the best at science.

I carry her downstairs and onto the downstairs table in her kitchen. I run and try and find some bandages of some sort. In no time I do and I go to look where the blood is coming from.

To my horror I realise she had done this to herself and I shed a tear at how arrogant I was. I would talk to my mum and dad about my memory later.


Thank you all soooo much. Sorry this took a while :( don't really have much to say but expect updates soon.

As always,

Your perf twerking babe,

Doctorfuntimes xxx

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