Chapter 21 || Relationships and Revenge

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Dani's POV

My date with Fin is finally here! It's 2:00 and I have about and hour and half to get ready before I have to leave.

I decide to wear something a little black to show him I'm not some pink slut or something.

I grab my high waisted, black shorts with little moons on them. Then I put on my purple vest top, followed by a black daisy sweater and toms.

After an hour of pampering I feel rather proud of myself. I have a quick look in the mirror and to be honest, for the first time in a while I'm impressed.

I walk downstairs to grab and apple and am stopped by my mother.

"Why you all dressed up darling?" she doesn't look up from her laptop.

"I'm not dressed up," I lie, "I'm just going out with Autumn.

My mum hates relationships, she doesn't believe in love. I know my mum and dad aren't in love. They only ever talk to each other about work and I think they're only together for me but I'm different.

Ever since I can remember I've always wanted to find true love. A prince. A frog. Whatever. As long as it's love. And hopefully today would be my new chance to find it.

Brooklyn's POV

I decide to walk to Dani's and apologise to her for all the shit I've caused. I'm not sure what I'm going to say though.

I know Dani's not gonna be happy about it but I needed Nicole to give me a lift there, since my dad took the car out to go to a football match with Romeo and Cruz.

We drove around her house like a hundred times before we realised we were never going to find a parking place.

We parked about a block away, we have to walk down the long high street to get to her house but it's not really an issue. I can get something form the Tescos next to Starbucks after.

"So why do you need to talk to Sami anyway?" Nicole bites her lip but it doesn't really work and she bites her tongue and I try and hold back a laugh.

"It's Dani." I mumble

"Huh? Dan who?" she's such a blonde. I decide to just answer her question.

"Personal issues." I shrug. "In fact do you mind waiting a little while? I could be some time."

"Anything for you Brookey." She giggles and I shrug her off.

Dani's POV

I arrived at Starbucks around 45 minutes ago and I have to say Fin is a lot more cool and fun than he is in school.

He also looks very attractive today. His floppy red hair is covered by a black beanie and he is wearing a black plaid shirt with black skinny jeans. Also the he does the most attractive thing, where he fiddles his lip ring between his teeth when he thinks, which always succeeds in making me swoon.

"How come you never talked to me before?" he sips his second hot chocolate and looks up at me.

"Well I didn't really feel like I had a good enough reason." I blush and push my hair back behind my ear.

"There's never not a good reason to talk to you." he smiles, not knowing the absolute joy he is filling me with.

"Shit" he curses under his breath and stands up, "so sorry, love. I really must be off though, I forgot I scheduled a rehearsal with my band in like 5 minutes."

He pecks me on the cheek, "See ya Dani." he leaves me there breathless and swooning in the middle of Starbucks. Butterfly's flying all around my insides.

The butterfly's are shot down when I look out the window. There only a few metres away is Brooklyn Beckham.

Making out with Nicole.

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