Chapter 23 || Scary movies and Second dates

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Dani's POV

I decided to erase Brooklyn from my mind like he did to me. I'm going to plan another date with fin and even if I see the word Brooklyn I will create a wall around my heart. To speed up this process I decide to text Fin straight away.

To: Fin :)

Hey :3 just wondering if u wanted 2 come over 2moz? x

I got a reply almost immediately.

From: Fin :)

Yh. Y not. Today was fun I'll text u again 2moz for the Adress :) x

Eeeeek. He put an 'x' too. He's been a great distraction. But the thing is, he's no Brooklyn Beckham.

*the next day*

"Hey!" I hug Fin as he stands in my doorway. I am extremely glad I convinced my parents that they could go on their business trip over the weekend. I really need some space from them, even though they're never here anyway.

Kind of like Brooklyn's parents. Brooklyn. No stop Dani! Build a wall! Build a wall!

"Well?" Fin snapped me out of my thoughts and I'm grateful.

"Oh sorry, come in" heat seeps up my cheeks as I lead him inside my house.

"So what do ya wanna do?" I pat the sofa next to me, indicating that he should sit down.

"How about a movie?" a big grin makes it's way onto Fin's mouth and some extremely cute dimples I had never seen before, appeared, making me giggle.

"Sure. Which one?"

"How about a horror movie?"

I raise my eyebrow but he just smiles, that cute smile and I'm practically forced into saying yes.

"Urg fine. But don't blame me if you're not aloud to leave later because I'm so terrified" I grin at him and head off to make us some hot chocolate.

Halfway through the movie I am both on edge and drifting in and out of sleep. My legs are on top of his and his arm is round my neck. I am very startled when there is a knock on the door and I almost suffocate Fin.

"You go answer the door Dan, I'm gonna go piss." he gets up and wipes his hands on his jeans.

"No! I'm so scared now!" I pout and he stifled a laugh.

"Stop being a pussy and answer the door." he walks off, leaving me in the dark with a stranger at the door.

I turn on the lights and buckle up my courage. I too wipe my hands on my leggings.

Once I open the door my face falls,



Sorry it's late again! I'm just really bad at remembering to upload! I've had this in my drafts for ages and couldn't wait to post it but I'm always so busy. Sorry guys. I'm really appreciative though that I have over 3k reads!!! thanks soooo much guys and you'll receive another update in 3 days. Love you all.

As always, your perf twerking ,

Doctorfuntimes xxx

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