Thea: Summary & Stuff

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A book about a girl named Thea. Her love life, family and friends. Suddenly, her life gets complicated. Will she survive or come crashing down with it?

Thea and Cameron have been best friends for nine years when things start to become more. Other than her love life, things start to fall apart. She finds out secrets that had been kept from her for years and she learns that she can't trust anyone but herself. Maybe she can't even trust Cameron.

This isn't your average 'best friend' love story.


"What if I'm not strong enough for this, Cameron?" I coughed out, tears slipping from the corner of my eyes.

"You are. Thea, you've been through too much not to be. I believe in you." Cameron winced, moving his hand to my cheek with great difficulty, giving me warmth, his own tears staining his cheeks.


You're warned of the following: May be triggering, may cause strong emotions, may cause anger, may cause sadness, may cause laughter, and most of all, you'll be riding one hell of a damn roller coaster.

* * * * *

April 2014:

Hey guys, this is my first story on Wattpad so I really hope you like it but hey don't be afraid to leave suggestions or comment what you think.

November 2015:

The writing for the first twenty-ish chapters aren't nearly as good as the last twenty so please keep that in mind. I will be going through the entire book, editing/rewriting/adding/removing but not for a whole month as I will have no technology. Thank you!

December 2015:

Alright, so the book is now complete! YAAAAY! :) Now I get to (Finally) go through and edit/change :) Bare with me x

September 2016:

I've been writing a different book series all year so I haven't gotten around to editing Thea yet :0 I don't know when I will x

Disclaimer: All characters, events, locations, etc are all part of fiction. If there are any similarities to anything in particular, then that IS coincidental. If someone else has a book published extremely similar to mine, please private message me, theft is wrong, and I do not condone such act.

Oh, just because my characters have opinions, interests, and thoughts, it doesn't mean I have those, they are made by my imagination and creativity :)

~ My vocabulary may be strange at times to readers because I am from New Zealand. For example, I use 'Mum', not 'Mom', we also spell many words with the letter 'U' in them, whereas many other countries don't (Favourite, Colour, etc). Another difference is we use 'realise', not 'realize', that goes for other words also as you may notice throughout the story, thank you :)

Also, I'm a HUGE lgbt supporter, and so far, all my books have at least one lgbt character. Including this book, so please, don't hate on anyone or make any homophobic comments. I do not tolerate such discrimination, as I want my book to be a safe place. Even though this book isn't based around lgbt - nor are the main characters lgbt, there are still quite a few elements/characters of lgbt through the series ❤ Thank you, love you x

Thank you,

Chloe xx

[I made the cover myself :) I hope it looks alright <3]

Now, I hope you beautiful people enjoy the book! And prepare for the emotional ride, yeah? Well, what are you doing still reading this note? BUCKLE IN AND GO REEEEAAAD (I love you, I swear, hehe *gives cookies*)

Thea [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now