Pure Darkness! Just like your brother!

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I dreamt that night of a big house, me in my basilisk form slithering towards my brother. Well it looked more like an anorexic baby. Must be using horcrox or something. I thought. I followed to see a muggle spying on their plans. There stood three or two death eaters, one on a chair holding my 'brother looking thing'. I slithered up onto the top of the chair and spoke in Parseltounge. Something about the muggle from next door standing outside. And him letting the muggle in and killing him with the avada kerdava curse. I just watched. But the main problem was that I didn't do anything. I cherished it, my darkness was showing in the outside and within. He called me Nagini- it's an alright name. I thought.

I woke up, sweat dripping off my face. I stood up and walked to the bathroom, wiping my face and walked back and sat on my bed. I looked over. I shared a room with two girls; one named Selina Defrays and the other Pansy Parley. They seemed nice, I hope they won't avoid me. It was soo quiet at this time of night. The dark black lake and all it's sea creatures view was soo fascinating. I decided to not go back to sleep- probably would see another future dream or something- and study for potions, divinitation, care of magical creatures and defence against the dark arts (DADA). It was a whole new semester for me and I wanted to not be on the bottom of the class. Earning house points for Slitherin was my highest priority as well as at least doing things I enjoy like pranking enemies and reading about DADA and the Dark Arts. I stopped and thought for a second. Am I too much like my brother? Am I evil? Am I really going to enjoy killing people? Will my next life be worth it? These questions flooded my mind. I didn't feel scared much longer, I felt as if I wanted to become pure evil! Maybe the curse was just right for me! I smiled and went back to studying.

Once morning arrived, I picked up my notes, fed Owen my new snake and headed towards my first breakfast in the dining hall. Spotting Draco and his friends, I walked over and joined them. Once I sat down, Draco smiled and handed me a scrunched up piece of paper. I looked at him and smiled. I opened it to reveal their Griffindoor pranking plans.
"A step ahead, are you?" I whispered. They nodded. I looked at the paper again and circled one plan that surely would prank them good, but not be as recognisable. The plan was to give them a spell that would make them speak in high pitched voices all day. I handed it back to them and Draco nodded with a smile to his friends and to me. I took out my wand and whispered the spell. "Squeakify". Putting my wand back into my robe, I looked at the Griffindoors who started speaking in such funny high pitched voices, most of the Slitherins started cracking up laughing. Draco gave me a high five and I looked at the all famous Harry Potter and his friends who grimaced. Hermione most of all, looked at Harry and Ron, and stood up, squeaked a goodbye, handed in an essay to professor Snape and headed off. I smiled and turned back to face Draco and my other new friends, who looked at me the same. Pansy tapped me on the shoulder.
"Are you going to take the curse off?" She spoke. I looked at Draco and laughed.
"What, isn't it funny?"
She shook her head. "But just because their Griffindoors, why don't we leave them alone"
"Leave them alone?" I laughed.
"What? It's just a joke. They deserved it!" Draco spoke.
"But..... But..."
Mimicking voice. "But? But?" I spoke." Their Griffindoors. They are attention seekers and the 'face'
of Hogwarts. They get all the loyalty and honour"
"Well, yes, but"
"But nothing. Just don't make such a big deal about it. They prank us, don't they?"
"Yes, they do" she murmured.
"So, we're both pranking each other. We're arched nemeses. We hate each other. It's rare to have friends in that house. Us Slitherins like to keep to themselves."
I smiled and looked over at Draco, who gave an evil grin.
"Yea, Pansy. You can always join them!" He spoke. I smiled.

My first class was DADA and our teacher was professor Lupin. We walked in and sat down at the desks. He smiled at the class and looked over at me. He looked at me with confusion and walked over.
"Yes?" I spoke. He looked at me.
"So what's your name?"
"Oh. I'm Darcy"
"Yes. Oh my God. My big brother is you-know-who. Our family is dark and cursed, blah, blah, blah. You get the point?"
"Yes" he spoke and walked quickly away, with fear.
"Am I that scary? Rarr" I spoke to Draco. He looked at me and we both laughed. Professor Lupin straitened himself up and looked at Harry and his friends.
"Famous boy?" Draco spoke. I nodded and looked at him.
"Hello, Harry. Pleasure to see you"
Harry smiled and squeaked "Pleasure" with the funniest high pitched voice ever. Crabb,e, Goyle and especially Draco and I cracked up laughing.
"Oh a simple squeaify spell. Funny joke... Back to what I was saying our fears are the things that stop us from achieving success. Today we will face our fears and Redictify them. As shown" he took out his wand and opened a chest and out came a boggart shapeshifting into the full mood. In a split second once it formed, he pointed his wand at it and spoke: "riddicukulus" and the moon changed into a balloon. Of course the other houses clapped at him. I grimaced.
"Thank you" he spoke with a smile. "Now, line up and face your fear!".
I looked at him with shock. Pretty much everyone did the same, but we all lined up. I went to the back with Draco and Harry. A boy named Neville went first.
"Neville. Great, you volunteered to go first. What do your fear most?"
"Professor Snape" he mumbled.
"Professor Snape?" Professor chuckled, "aren't we all?". Neville nodded. It was soo hard not to laugh at that moment, but I never did. Professor Lupin walked up to Neville and whispered something into his ear. Neville looked at him, with shock.
"Can you do that?" Professor spoke. Neville nodded. He opened the chest to reveal the boggart turn into professor Snape and instantly did the spell. Everyone laughed, Professor Snape wore his grandmother's clothes, it was funny. Ron went next, equaling a huge spider with rollerblades, Parvati, the basilisk into a jack in a box and it finally reached me. I looked at the boggart shape-shift into a faceless Griffindoor with the sword. I stood there shocked and yelled "ridicukulus". It didn't change and kept coming at me. I dropped to the ground in shock and heard a crowd behind me mumble and the professor placing the boggart back in the chest.

I woke up and adjusted to the light. Familiar faces surrounded me. I pushed them away got up. I stared at everyone. They looked and me and when I got up, backed away with fear. Draco stood there and helped me up.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You fainted in fear, from seeing the Griffindoor holding the sword at you. Then your mumbled some weird words, like speaking a different language. It sounded scary. I think Harry knew what you were saying, you see, he can speak Parseltounge, because of your brother. How can you speak it?"
"Runs in the family".
I thanked Draco and walked out towards Care of Magical Creatures.

I walked down the hallway alone and picked up my monster book. It was awesome and didn't seem to hate me. I read it while I walked. The fascinating creatures that can cause destruction and the tiny but very effective ones. I couldn't believe they even existed. I kept reading, but got pulled aside by a Griffindoors.
"Hello. What can I do for you? I have class you know"
"I just wanted to hand you this. I saw you looking for it in a book in the library, and by the way, your secret's safe with me"
I smiled as she handed me the page about the Basilisk.
"Thank you. I've gotta go"
I paced as fast as I could towards the Care of Magical Creatures area and stood next to Draco and the other Slitherins.
"We've got this oaf teaching us. My father'll hear about this!" I looked at him.
"Who cares about the teacher...."
I looked at a huge hippogriff Hagrid had brought. I smiled.
"Everyone, this is Buckbeak. Does anyone want to say hello?"
Everyone backed away except Harry and I. I smiled at Hagrid.
"I'd love to" I spoke. Hagrid nodded and talked to Harry while I walked up to the Hippogriff. I touched it and looked into it's beautiful eyes. It looked back at me with fear and went crazy with fear. I backed away. Hagrid calmed it down and walked up to me.
"That's funny. The only thing it's afraid of is...... Snakes......"
"Oh" I spoke and walked back to Draco.
"What a stupid chicken" he spoke walking up to it. "Your not scary, your just a coward!" He hissed. Buckbeak growled and kicked Draco, who fell to the ground.
"It killed me, it killed me" he whimpered.
"Draco, are you ok?" I spoke, walking up to him.
"Be careful next time" I spoke to Buckbeak who backed away from me in fear. I hissed at it and it ran towards Hagrid and Harry in fear. I looked back at Draco.
"What's the spell? Oh yes episkey" I spoke, with my wand in his leg. He smiled in thanks.
"I'll tell my father about this!" He spoke as we walked up to see Madam Pomphery, the school nurse.

I lay him down on the bed.
"I did use the episkey charm, but is it infected or anything?"
She looked at it.
"No. Nothing wrong at all"
"But it could've killed me if Darcy didn't heal it?"
"Of course not. It's just a scratch!"
"But do you get scratches from a class?"
"Well no. But you must've offended it!"
"What a bloody chicken"
"Your not wrong"
I helped him up and we walked into the dining hall, in which I undid the spell before we started eating and I chatted alongside my new friends. Life couldn't be more better.

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