Dark Mission

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We walked into the room of requirements and uncovered the dusty cabinet. I pulled it open and Draco placed a feather in it and closed it. In a couple of minutes it opened again and revealed it being burnt. We exchanged looks and smiled, but my smile faded.
"Is it time?" I spoke. Draco nodded and we hugged. I let go and opened the cabinet, letting the death eaters in. Bellatrix Lestrange was one of them that I knew from Azkaban. She exchanged looks and me.
"So your the little sister of our master, right?" She spoke. I nodded.
"Same eyes and pale skin" one of the others pointed out. I smiled and walked with Draco to the astronomy tower.

We bumped into Snape on the way and he walked with us to where Dumbledore stood. We opened the door and spotted Dumbledore. He smiled at us.
"Dear Darcy, sister of the Dark Lord and servant forever, I should've thought you will be the same, yet I saw light in you"
"And Draco, taken over your father's position as a death eater. "
I looked at him.
"It's not like we have a choice" I spat.
"I have to do this, he will kill me" Draco spoke, almost tears. I tapped his shoulder and sniffled tears, looked at Dumbledore and took out my wand with Draco doing the same. Expelliarmous. Draco spoke and disarmed  Dumbledore. Bellatrix walked in.
"Do it already" she ordered. I nodded and pointed my wand at Dumbledore.
"There's always a second chance" he spoke kindly.
"There isn't, I'm cursed and nothing will stop that. I will kill more than my brother, I would die before I live." I looked at him, tears falling down my cheek. "I'm sorry" I spoke and pointed my wand at him. Avada Kerdava. And Dumbledore fell down the tower, dead. Bellatrix screamed in delight and cast the dark Mark. Snape grabbed my hand and Draco's and walked out towards Malfoy Manor.
. . .
I walked into the room with my brother at one end and the death eaters at the other. I looked at Draco, who felt as terrible as I did and I turned back to look at my brother.
He smiled at me.
"Well done, sister. I knew there was darkness in there somewhere,"
I nodded and wiped my face and sat in between my brother and Draco.

"So what now?" I spoke. Voldemort smiled.
"Now you are a true Death Eater"
"Haven't I always been?"
"Is there anything you found out this year at Hogwarts?"
"Well let's just say Harry has found out the secret to your immortality and destroying them. And he can read into your mind"
He smiled, "anything else?"
"Yes" I spoke. "You are now very powerful. You just missing something"
He looked at me, confused. "What will that be?"
"A new wand"
He looked at his wand and smiled.

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