New Darkness

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I looked at my room one last time and put on my Hogwarts robes and disaparated to Platform 93/4. I quietly crept onto the train, trying not to gather much attention and spotted Draco with Crabble and Goyle. I smiled and sat down with them.
Draco spotted me and smiled.
"Welcome back, Darcie"
. . .
I was back in the Slitherin common room alone while everyone was sleeping and reading through my books, also writing in my journal. If only I heard from my brother, I was actually really worried about him. I looked at the newspaper in the chair and picked it up and read the articles of Lucius Malfoy at Azkaban, the bridge collapsing in London, and the breaking in of Diagon Alley. I sighed. It's just that I've heard nothing in a long time. I decided to send a letter to him and wrote
Dearest brother,
I haven't heard from you in ages. You could always tell me what your up to. I'm back at Hogwarts, but Dumbledore and Snape made me do an unbreakable oath to not kill any students and teachers. The only person he didn't include in that was him. I've heard he's a threat to you. If you want, I could help you with anything, just tell me. And I'm sure dementors would want to join our side, they'll help the Azkaban breakout too. I'm sure Harry will be weaker with his blood traitors and mudbloods with us gaining stregnth. Just love to hear from you, I really get worried when your not there. Good luck, stay evil
Darcy R
I ended the last letter with my quill and attached the letter to Serpent and he flew away. I smiled and placed the quill and paper back in my room and went back to my books. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around. It was Draco. I smiled.
"Pleasure to see you. Couldn't sleep?" I spoke. He nodded.
"There is something I have to tell you" he spoke. I looked at him.
"What is it?" I answered. He looked around, checking if anyone was there and lifted up his right jacket sleeve to reveal the dark mark. I covered my mouth in shock as he pulled his sleeve back down. I stopped in my tracks.
"Because of your father being in Azkaban? What has my brother made you do?"
He frowned. "He wants me to kill Dumbledore and fix the wardrobe"
I looked at him. "You won't do this alone, he's my brother. I'm doing it with you"
He shedded a tiny smile and sat down next to me.
"What are you working on?" He spoke. I smiled.
"Just passing time studying"
"Oh" he spoke.
He looked at me.
"I see you like my necklace."
I touched it. "Well it is beautiful"
He smiled and spotted my bracelet.
"Where did you get that bracelet from?"
I looked at it. "Oh,... I got it from my brother, but the books are my mother's diary and the heir of Slitherin book I showed you."
He nodded. "So you've read your mother's diary?"
I nodded. "As bad as mine, but she was left sitting there raising me her whole time. Mine was spent half trapped and half controlled. But it's all I have left of her since Harry killed her"
He stopped. "Wait....,  your mother was the basilisk in the chamber if secrets"
I nodded. "Yes"
"Do you want to take a walk?" He spoke. I nodded and stood up, taking out my wand.
"Wingardium Leviosa" I spoke and my supplies floated towards my dorm. I placed my wand back in my pocket and walked with Draco down the corridor. We sat down at the main area with the fountain. I looked at him.
"Do you look in the mirror in regret since the day you got the mark?"
He nodded. I smiled. "That is me too. No one can touch me and I don't eat or sleep, I just watch other people do it, that's why I don't go to the dining hall or to my dorms. You don't know how hard it is to know your going to die very soon by someone you know. You don't know how difficult it is having people fear you. I do love being evil, but I just don't want to die alone."
He nodded. "But you will always have me" he spoke and hugged me.
I looked over and the sun was rising behind the trees. I closed my eyes, feeling it's warm rays on my skin and opened my eyes. I stood up and walked back with Draco to the Slitherin dorm. We stopped.
"Password?" The portrait spoke. I smiled.
"Come in"
I walked in with Draco and we walked to our separate dorms and gathered out supplies for the day. I grabbed my books and turned around, but heard the familiar hoot coming from Serpent. I placed my books on my bed and grabbed the letter from my brother.
Dearest sis,
I'm sorry you haven't seen me in a while. As you may know, I have chosen Draco for a mission, for you also to join him on the way. Thanks for the ideas for recruiting my death eaters. I'm sure Snape will guide you two too, he is indeed one of my insider spies. I've been up to evil things and next year you could join me with them all. I like your owl, great choice of colour. Harry and Dumbledore are up to something. I want you and Draco to find out what. It's good you can still get to kill Dumbledore, and I've heard a little whisper that Professor Slughorn is your new potions teacher. You know, he was the one who told me about Horcroxes. Now he fears our whole family. Good luck, my beautiful Nagini.
Tom R

I folded the letter and walked down the stairs and threw it into the fire, watching it burn so no one could read it. I waited for Draco and headed to class ready for a long day.

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