Heir of Salazar Slitherin and time is running out

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"No no no no!" I screamed, looking at my reflection. I looked at my face again, even if I didn't touch it, it still seemed to grow and grow like bacteria. I looked at my reflection almost fully green and woke up. I pulled off my blanket and sat up in the side of my bed and looked out the window. I turned away and looked at my roommates, I could hardly see them, they were tight under their covers sound asleep. I stood up and walked over and into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection again, the green was gone. I touched my face, the green came back, but disappeared in a few seconds. It wasn't a dream, I thought. It was a symptom of the curse. I looked away from the mirror and walked back and sat down in the common room.

It was empty, except for the snores from the dorms up the stairs. I looked at the fireplace and sat in front of it, feeling it's heat on my cold skin.

Suddenly a snake made entirely of fire emerged out of it and I backed away in shock.
"Voldemort is returning. He will come" it spoke in Parseltounge. I nodded in shock. I looked at me up and down.
"This is for you, it was your brother's. And you are the new Slitherin's heir" I looked as it dropped a large green book. I picked it up and wiped the ashes off and the snake disappeared.
Fascinated, I tried to open the book, but it didn't budge. Salazar Slitherin, Tom Riddle now what would he have the magic password be? I thought. I hesitated for a moment. Yes. I thought. Salazar Slitherin and Tom were both parseltoungues! I looked back at the book and spoke.
"Alascero rewaseorm" I spoke in Parseltoungue. The book slammed open to reveal a written diary of lord Voldemort.
I started reading.
This book came to me when I was looking in the restricted section for books on Dark Magic and the Unforgiveable Curses. I dropped on my head and I swore a little in Parseltoungue and it opened. It revealed that I was the Heir of Slitherin and I could open the chamber. Of course, they'd suspect me so I tricked a half-giant named Hagrid into opening it. He succeeded and found out that my own mother was indeed the basilisk. I was raised in a muggle orphanage and didn't know there was a curse, but I soon found out that that oaf Hagrid was trying to help her. I briefly examined a book on curses and spotted a curse called the basilisk curse. I'd always thought my mother was a muggle and my father was a wizard, but it was all wrong. I'd already killed my father in my 3rd year and I'll keep a diary preserving my 16 year old self so that in the future, I could trick another stupid student and open the chamber and kill my mother. Revenge is strong.

I looked in shock. This was my brother's diary when he was in Hogwarts. He was the Heir of Slitherin and he did terrible things. Mudblood bloods was what he loved killing. I thought in fear, thinking that I too was only half blood. No wonder Tom was terrified when Harry killed his mother. He'd wanted to kill her himself. Maybe he lost the last of light in him that day. One day, I'm sure I'll make sure Harry will die. I want to watch my brother kill him right before my eyes. I'd want to feel his happiness. I smiled and kept reading until it came to a stop.
Bloody Dumbledore accused me of tricking Hagrid. He must've had his suspicions at one stage. My future is dark, and I've decided to change my name, so in the future others will fear to speak. It was an anagram; TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE: I AM LORD VOLDEMORT. I have also gained followers in which I called Death Eaters. The Black family indeed took pride in joining. Yet my time is over as I got expelled for killings and blah blah, and I must say goodbye to my diary and say hello to the new heir, who ever he or she is. I'd expect to meet you sometime in the future.
It ended there and I frowned. My brother truly had reputation and prosperity for dark magic. I'm sure he'll be pleased to meet me. But fear of tomorrow (December 23rd) is making me feel more and more powerless. I sighed and looked at the book and opened to a new page and started writing about the curse, my family and Draco.

I'd finished just before dawn, closed the book, sealed it and took out my wand.
Tapping the book with my wand, I spoke, reducio and it shrank. I wrapped a piece of string around it and placed it on my neck, safe from the wrong hands. I smiled and placed my and back into my pocket and got dressed into my Slitherin robes; a long sleeved t-shirt with a tie, skirt and leggings and green shoes. I grabbed my books and sat down on my bed, briefly studying them and waiting until the others woke up.
. . .

I walked with Draco and his 'crew'  to Potions and talked briefly.
"So, have you done your homework on werewolves?" I spoke. He smirked.
"Geez, I'm not in Ravenclaw!"
"But.... But.....Page 394" I teased. We laughed and sat down at a table with the other Slitherins. I looked over at The Golden Trio and his fan club and grimaced. Harry stared back with confusion as I looked at him feared. I whispered to him in Parseltoungue.
"It's starting"
He looked at me with fear and murmured to his friends, they looked at me with innocence. I grimaced at them. They're the reason you'll die, they're mostly blood traitors. Every time I looked at Harry, it reminded me of my cursed family; from the stupid curse creator and me being half-blood, as well as my big brother- aka the darkest sorcerer of them all! I sighed as Professor Snape made his grand entrance into the classroom.

Authors Note: the book idea wasn't mine, I got the idea from one of the other fan fictions I read. How do you like it?. This story as well as my other have gone into the wattys! Please vote and also give comments. I have seen errors and I will fix them once I finished writing. And just to say, I'd come up with a not-happy ending. Sorry if I have slow posts. I've had not much time to write recently, but Happy reading.... Simone.

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