Back to Hogwarts, my love- a few moths later (5th June)

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Staying with the Malfoy's over the holidays was the most fun I've ever had in a while. It's sad though, I haven't seen them since December and now it's the end of May. I'm really happy that my brother let me go back to Hogwarts this year, but he's been out a lot doing things he think is important. I guess today I'm going to Diagon Alley to get an owl so I could talk to Draco. I placed on a black jacket over my arms, then grabbed my bracelet my brother gave me, with my two favourite books attached to it as a keyring. I pulled on my black jeans too and chucked on some black converses and tied my hair up in a bun and used floo powder to reach Diagon Alley. I stepped into my fireplace and spoke "Diagon Alley" clearly. I landed in a fireplace in Diagon Alley and walked out the door towards the pet shop. The door opened with a bell and I looked around the owl section and spotted a dark black owl. I looked at the price, 39 nickels. I smiled and picked up the cage, walking up the the cashier.
"I'd like to buy this owl" I spoke. She nodded and looked at the price.
"First owl?" She spoke. I nodded. She walked over and gathered supplies for my owl and walked back with them inside a bag. I smiled.
"Thank you" and went through my wallet and took out 39 nickels. (Got most of the money from work and from my mum's bank at grignotts). She shook her head.
"I'll take 20, this owl has been here for ages" I smiled and put 19 nickels back into my pocket and handed her the 20. I thanked her and walked out of the shop and walked towards the book shop and opened the door. There was a couple of people there and I walked in and grabbed my books and waited to pay. I sighed and waited for the people in front of me to finished and went to the counter and payed for the books and walked out towards the exit. I stopped in my tracks as I spotted the golden trio walking by. I stared at them in shock and dropped a couple of books and picked them up. I looked up, they were staring back at me with fear and I turned around and quickly walked away, grabbing a black jacket for Draco (I didn't know what to get him) and walked out and back to the entrance. There was a bang and screams as I turned around and saw death eaters had destroyed the buildings. Most of them disaparated away with black mist, but one man with an evil grin looked at me. He smiled.
"Boo!" He spoke scarily. I cracked up laughing and looked at him.
"You'd think that'll scare me" I spoke. He growled and grabbed my hand. I smiled.
"I don't think Lord Voldemort will want you to do that" I spoke. He laughed.
"What does our master have anything to do with you?" He spoke. I smiled.
"Let me just say I'm just as evil as you but worse" he looked at me with a blank expression.
"Oh for god's sake. I'm his sister. Darcy" he looked at me in shock, then smiled.
"Very funny, he doesn't have a sister" he teased.
"Do you know everything about him?" I answered and disaparated.

I landed in my room and opened my window. I placed my cage down and wrote a letter to Draco saying Happy Birthday and wrapped the gift in a box and attached it to Serpent my new owl and took out another piece of paper and wrote to Dumbledore.
Dear Dumbledore,
I know you fear me because my dearest brother has returned, but he has some important business ,not even I know what is and he let me attend Hogwarts this year. I'll do anything to get there, send Snape or something to give me the unbreakable oath. I just know next year will be the year I'll be killed by a Griffindoor. I just really want to experience Hogwarts while I live. Please. And as I said before, my brother is never here and he doesn't tell me at all what he's doing at all! I'd never tell anyway, but he is planning something big and I don't know what it is.
Darcy Marvolo Riddle

I attached it to Serpent and he flew away, knowing where to go. I smiled and sat down on my bed, going through my books I bought. I read probably for a couple of days strait because Serpent came back with two letters from Dumbledore and Draco.
I smiled and fed Serpent and he ate it quickly and drank out of the water I gave him. I read the letter from Dumbledore first. It read.
I really do believe you Darcy, so disaparate to Hogwarts strait away and Snape will do the unbreakable oath.
Great to see you back at Hogwarts this year,
Albus Dumbledore

I smiled and opened the letter from Draco next.
Dear Darcy,
Thanks for the jacket, how thoughtful. I'm soo happy you got an owl! We can finally talk to each other. Something has happened since my father was sent to Azkaban and I need to sort it out. But you could still owl me, I'm sure your evil brother wouldn't mind. My dad is on his side anyway. So, see you on the train back to Hogwarts?

I smiled and closed the letters and closed my books and patted Serpent on the back and disaparated to Hogwarts.
. . .
I disaparated in the hallway and walked into Dumbledore's office. The door opened to reveal Dumbledore and Snape.
"Hello" I spoke, shedding an awkward smile. Dumbledore smiled.
"Pleasure to see you Darcy, I'd sure say you still look just under 14 and a little more paler in the skin, I'd say"
I smiled.
"Let's get to it" Snape interrupted. I nodded and grabbed Snape's arm as he grabbed mine. Dumbledore took out his wand.
"Darcy, do you swear you'll not kill any students or teachers this year at Hogwarts"
"I do"
"And do you swear you will spend a whole year here"
I smiled. "I will"
Dumbledore placed his wand back into his pocket and I let go. Dumbledore smiled and gave me a hug, but let go immediately.
"Ok, a bit colder too"

I smiled, thanked them and disaparated back to my room and replied to Draco's letter.
I'm soo happy you liked my present! I'm sure if something's up, you could trust me. I'm sad that your dad is in Azkaban, but if there's a problem, it cold always tell me face to face back at Hogwarts. I owled Dumbledore and he let me go back,but I had to do an unbreakable oath to not kill any student or teacher. But will definitely see you on the train back to Hogwarts. I actually spotted the golden trio at Diagon Alley, they looked scared. Rarr. Am I that scary? Bloody Griffindoors. I'm sure I'll come back to Hogwarts with lots of pranks. On the bad side though, I have this hunch that I'm going to die next year. The days are counting down for me. I guess nothing is worse than that, your the lucky one here. You'll live,
See you soon, my love,

I rolled it up and wrapped a piece of yarn around it and woke up Serpent and attached it to his foot and he flew away. I watched him fly into the distance and turned around and took out my suitcase with my name printed on the side Darcy Marvolo Riddle and packed my books, potions, cauldron and some clothes from my mother's wardrobe. She was 14 for awhile, she's the same size as me for god's sake. I smiled and took out my robes and folded them in my bed with my shoes. I looked in my mother's old jewellery box and opened to reveal my charm bracelet my brother gave to me for my birthday last year alongside the necklace Draco gave me. I picked them both up and placed them on, feeling the coolness touch my skin.
I smiled and looked at my endless youth of a reflection that will always remain the same.

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