Dark Deaths

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I slithered with Voldemort to the school grounds, listening to my brother do his speech.
"Harry Potter..... Is ......Dead" he laughed. Ginny screamed and ran over, but her father stopped her. Voldemort laughed.
"Harry Potter is dead... And there is nothing you can do about it" he laughed to his followers. "Now you put your faith in me". Everyone looked at Hagrid holding Harry's dead body. Even Draco looked fearful and his parents called out to him from behind me.
"Draco" Lucius spoke.
"Draco, come" Narcissa spoke. Draco looked around and walked over to his parents, giving them a hug. I wanted to kill my brother soo bad for what he's done, but I couldn't! I lust laid there. Neville walked up. Voldemort laughed.
"I'd like to say something" Neville spoke stepping forward. Voldemort laughed again.
"Well, Neville I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say"
He stood strait and looked at Voldemort straight in the eye.
" It doesn't matter that Harry's gone"
"Stand down Neville" someone interrupted.
"People die every day, friends, family." He spoke facing the students. "Yeah we lost Harry tonight. He's still with us. In here" he pointed to his heart and looked back at Voldemort. "So's Fred, Remus, Tonks, all of them. They didn't die in vain." Neville looked at Voldemort without fear, but strength and spat "but you will 'cause you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us!" He screamed and ripped out Godric Griffindoor's sword from the sorting hat on the ground. He looked over, Harry rolled out of Hargrid's arms and yelled confringo at me, but I dodged him. I was speechless. How could he do this to me! Voldemort growled and struck him, but missed. He held his hand out and we aparated inside Hogwarts, on the stairs. Voldemort ran away, trying to find Harry and I transformed back, running away.
I ran as fast as I could, even if I was soo weak at the moment, I ran along the bridge, but bumped into Draco on the way and fell back. Draco turned around and helped me up.
"Are you ok?"
I nodded and hugged him, but he let go faster than I thought and rubbed his arms trying to warm himself up.
"I'm sorry, your soo cold"
I nodded. "I'm going to die soon, look at my tattoo"
I turned my left arm and showed him the tattoo, it was almost gone, all that was left was the top. He looked at it and back at me. He grabbed my hands and kissed me, and didn't let go. Once he did, he smiled. I looked at him, feeling my tattoo burn.
I nodded and turned away, but turned back around.
"Remember me" I spoke. "Know what love feels like to find it in the future" I walked up to him and smiled. "I'll always be here" I spoke and touched his chest, where his heart is. He nodded and held my hand, but we broke apart and we said our goodbyes, tears soaking in our eyes. I ran as fast as I could and transformed.
I spotted Ron and Hermione and I hissed, they ran backwards in fear, shooting spells, but they missed. I hissed at them, ready to strike, but Neville ran in with the sword and it ended.

I watched as Nagini, Voldemort's snake vanished into a million pieces and Neville watching in shock as the black ash disappeared leaving a dead Darcy. I looked at her, then at Neville. He stood there shocked. I looked at her. She was clutching a vile of her tears. I took it out of her right hand and placed it in my pocket. Neville and Ron looked at me, confused. I turned around and Ron and I sat down with Ginny and Neville sat with Luna. I smiled as Harry walked in.

Harry (At the time 2 seconds before Darcy got killed)
I kept strong and held my wand out, watching the huge magic fly out and duel Voldemort. He let go, sad as hell and threw the elder wand at me and I grabbed it, watching him let out a tear and scream as he turned into ashes. I turned around and walked back, spotting Ron and Hermione. Hermione smiled and stood up, walking up to me.
"Darcy left this for us" she spoke holding up the vial of Darcy's tears. I nodded and we headed up to Dumbledore's office and took out the pensive, pouring in the teardrops and placing my head in the watery substance watching the sciences flash before me.

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