The Dark Heir's Return- a few months later

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Every day, I'd just sit in the room, feeling sorry for myself and waiting until my brother called me and I killed people. Today was the day he will come back. Today is the day where he will come back and have me as one of his of his many Horcroxes. Today is the day where my life will be as a blood slave to him. All I ever wanted was a normal life, but destiny doesn't end in a good way for me. I sighed and sat up off my bed and sealed the "heir if Slitherin book" I am writing in. Beside me was my mother's diary. I felt it's smooth velvety texture and picked it up and took out my wand, shrinking both of the books and tying them around my neck. Placing my wand in my pocket, I looked around one last time and walked out of the room and headed towards my brother's room, where he will return and make me his forever slave, me never leaving his side. I walked out of my room, now accompanied by Wormtail and the start of my brother clothed in his hands as Barty Crouch jnr had some 'important business' to do. I walked with him outside to my family's graves and hid behind the cloaked statue as Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory appeared with the triwizard cup. They dropped it as they fell and Harry looked around in shock, recognising the place. He looked over at Cedric.
"I've been here before, we shouldn't be here. I don't think this is a part of the task"
. . .
"Kill the spare" avada kerdava Voldemort spoke as Cedric dropped to the ground, dead. I winced at him and looked at Harry. Clutching the statue, I looked at Harry and whispered. Help me! In Parseltoungue.He looked over and spotted me,but looked back at Wormtail with Voldemort and he clutched his scar in pain of his existence. Wormtail put the imperio curse on him and I backed away as Harry was dragged where the cloaked statue on the grave clutched him with his knife-thing. I backed away and tripped on the grass and fell to the ground as I sat up and watched Wormtail do the spell to reincarnate my brother. I looked at Harry, struggling to get out and crying in pain. I looked at Harry and tears fell out of my eyes.
"Bone of the father willingly given, blood of the servant worthy and blood of the enemy" Wormtail spoke as he placed the bone in the cauldron, cut his arm and walked over to Harry and cut his arm, dropping the blood in the cauldron. Wormtail pulled me over and pierced my finger over the cauldron as I watched blood drip from my skin. Wormtail pulled me away and took out his wand. Episkey. He spoke and my finger healed. He looked at the cauldron and spoke. "The dark lord shall rise again". As he spoke, the cauldron formed into something too weird to explain and darkness surrounded him, forming a cloak.
"My wand, Wormtail" he spoke as he handed him his wand. I backed away in fear.
"Your arm" he spoke as he called the dark mark on his right arm and summoned the other death eaters.
. . .
"Harry, I almost forgot about you"
. . .
Harry clutched Cedric's dead body and spoke accio and disappeared with the cup. Once he was gone, my brother screamed.

I looked at him in fear and quietly walked over next to Lucius Malfoy and the other death eaters. Voldemort turned and looked at me.
"Pleasure to see you, dear SISTER" he spoke with an evil smile. I stepped forward with a fake evil smile.
"Pleasure to finally meet you big brother"
He smiled and steeped closer to me. As he got closer, it felt like all the light in my sole burned out and was left with darkness. He looked at me and clutched my left arm.
"Nagini" he spoke and I transformed into my snake form and aparated into the riddle house.
. . .
Again I was back in my room, shaking in fear from the recent event I just witnessed. This is how I'll spend the rest of my life. Forever. And all I want is to stay with Draco. Tonight was my first meeting with my brother and I was scared as hell. I walked into my mother's room and looked through her dresses and found a beautiful green dress with matching shoes and a necklace, bracelet and earring set to go with it. I smiled at it and tried it on. Perfect fit. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I shone with immortality and my skin was as pale as my brother's and I had his eyes, but my hair was a dark black. I placed the green emerald jewellery 3 set on and lifted up my feet to put my shoes on. I looked absolutely beautiful. I looked like my mother and brother mixed together. Black hair from my mum and green eyes from my brother. I took out a green flower clip out of my mum's drawer and brushed my straight hair and placed it into a bun, sealing it with a clip. I nodded at my reflection and walked out into the living room, sitting down opposite my brother at a long table. He smiled, showing his endless white teeth and looked over at Wormtail beside him.
"You may go" he spoke. Wormtail nodded in fear and closed the door behind him. He looked back at me.
"So? My little, little sister. Darcy is it?" I nodded.
"So, what brings you back? Revenge on Harry?" I spoke. He smiled.
"You know more than I thought. Let me guess. Never knew before someone told you?"
I nodded. "Malfoy told me. He was the only one who would go near me without fear of you. He also knew about the curse."
He nodded his head. "So you enjoyed being friends with him? Draco is it?"
I nodded. "He was the only one who truly liked me for me, not my family. I really do enjoy being around him."
"It sounds like you have feelings for him"
I nodded. "I do. I love him"
Voldemort looked at me with surprise and smiled. I looked at him.
"I will never make the same mistake as my mother. Marrying a filthy Mudblood. The curse is one bad thing, but not being with the people I love is another. Can I please visit him again. I'm still your blood and bone. I will remain by your side always"
Voldemort looked at me with a smile. "I'll take that. I'm sure you can visit dear Draco and the Malfoy's while I intend to do the things I'd planned to do once I returned."
I smiled. "Thank you, brother"
"Pleasure, sis"

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