Dark Battle

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50 hours later

I kissed Draco goodbye for the last time as he aparated to go to Hogwarts. I stood there for a couple of seconds, thinking and looked over at Narcissa Malfoy. She looked at me with worry in her eyes and hugged me gently, wiping away my tears. She locked eyes with me and I smiled at her.
"Thank you, for everything"
I nodded and aparated to the Riddle Manor.

I sat down on my bed and looked around the dusty, old room. I sighed and stood up, walking to the mirror. I changed into my dark green singlet with leggings and I braided my hair while I looked at my reflection. It was as I was looking at a ghost, my skin has no colour in it! I felt like a dementor! Every time something looked at me, I'd suck away all their happiness. It felt odd and extremely depressing. I slid my finger along my table and fiddled with my charm bracelet. I clutched my necklace and felt it's cool texture with my fingertips and paced both my hands on my desk, looking out the window and into the darkness outside. Tears ached my eyes, but I stayed strong and walked away and into my mother's room.

The door creaked open and I placed down my diary in her bedside table along with the photo album. I looked around the room, remembering my mum telling me about how she left me a emerald broach which originally belonged to Salazar Slitherin himself. I looked at the bottom of her jewellery box and there it was. I clipped it onto my singlet and walked out to meet up with my brother.

He looked at me and my broach with a smile and grabbed my hand. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I closed my eyes and aparated to the dark forest and met the other death eaters. I looked at Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, they looked the same as I did; scared. Scared to die, scared to be killed, scared of their Lord. I closed my eyes and sighed, letting go off all my fear and looked back at my brother, grabbing his hand, trying to calm myself for my future, for my death. Voldemort locked eyes with me and smiled. He looked at all his hundreds of followers and smiled,
"We will gain victory tonight! We will kill the people we call heroes. We will show the true meaning of evil"
The crowd cheered. He let go of my hand and I stood next to Bellatrix. She smiled and whispered into my ear;
"Your soo lucky he's your brother"
I looked at her and nodded.
"Yes, it's wonderful" I sarcastically spoke. She smiled and I faked a smirk. Even though I'll be in basilisk form the whole time, I still felt scared. I turned to the other and Voldemort spoke to everyone in their heads.
Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmede earlier today. You have 2 hours to bring him to me, otherwise I'll bring my army and kill you.
I closed my eyes and listened. That definitely chilled me. I smiled and waited.

------------------—-----———---------------30minutes later-------------•-------------------------

There was still no sign of Harry Potter and Voldemort growled and walked with the other death eaters to the edge of the forest. I looked at Hogwarts and back to my brother.
"They've put a barrier over it!" I spoke, looking at my brother. He grimaced and looked at his followers, who had the same reaction. He looked at them.
"What are you waiting for? Break down the BLOODY barrier"
Instantly all his followers agreed and shot spars from their wand, damaging the barrier. I took out my wand ready to help, but my brother stopped me, grabbing my left arm.
"Wait here"
I grimaced and stood there, alone watching my brother break down the barrier with the elder wand. I cheered and Voldemort's followers ran along the bridge, ready to fight but it collapsed and about 20% of them fell and 40% made it through, leaving the other 40% of them to aparate to the other side. I watched my brother walk over to me with a huge smile on his face and I transformed into my basilisk form and we aparated.

———————————–———time change_——————————————–
I slithered into the docks room and spotted Professor Snape.
"Nagini, kill" Voldemort ordered. Without thinking I killed him instantly hissing and preying two times until he was at his last breath and aparated. Voldemort spoke to me in my mind: "meet me in the dark forest" I instantly slithered away and towards the dark forest. I transformed back and aparated to the dark forest and collapsed to my knees in tears. Narcissa walked over and tapped me on my back, I looked up at her and hugged her. My skin ached and there was blood everywhere, on my black tshirt with black jeans, on my skin, on my face, everywhere but my tattoo. It remained perfectly clean and shone a eerie green. I stood up and wiped my tears away and looked at Lucius. He walked up about to say something, but Voldemort's voice came into our heads again. You have one hour left! I know you're there Harry Potter, come to me in the dark forest and confront your fate!
I looked at Lucius who had the same reaction as well as Narcissa, fear. We all liked Harry, even if we all hated him. We're all both sides. I took out my wand out of my back pocket and pointed my wand and myself saying scourgify and it cleaned the blood and dirt off me. I looked at my right arm, with a huge bleeding scratch and pointed my wand to it episkey I spoke and it healed. I looked at Narcissa who had a bleeding eyebrow and pointed my wand at her, she backed away, but I grabbed he hand to stop her and pointed my wand at it. Scourgify Episkey. and it healed and cleaned it. She smiled and I let go.
"Thank you"
"Your welcome" I spoke and turned around. Voldemort aparated and I stared at him, walking over.
"What do we do now?" I spoke. He looked at me and smiled.
"Now we wait"
"But he wouldn't come wo......." I spoke and stopped as Harry Potter walked over, I placed my hands on my mouth and looked at Hagrid, who was held captive yelling.
"Harry! What are you doing?"
Voldemort smiled and turned to face Harry.
"Harry Potter" he spoke evilly. "The boy who live; come to die"
Harry yet stood there, confronting his fate. I looked at him and closed my eyes as my brother spoke avada kerdava. And Harry collapsed, dead. Narcissa paced over and checked his pulse. Sh looked at him and nodded.
Voldemort smiled and I let a tear fall and wiped it away as my brother looked at me.
"No time for weakness" he spoke. I nodded and picked up his dead body and handed him to Hagrid. I checked his pulse one more time, it was beating very very slow, but he was sTILL ALIVE! I smirked a tiny bit and brushed his hair away from his face and transformed into my snake form, walking with lord Voldemort to Hogwarts.

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