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I wake up to see im in my room so I relaxe and lay back down. suddenly everything rushes back and I jump outta bed and rush downstairs to see my dad shouting with ma in front of him and cloud is across the room with daniel and august.

"look what you did to my daughter she has been waiting for you then you shelf her to get when your ready she almost hurt herself" dad shouts over ma's head as she trys to soothe him with words of comfort but to no avail im a daddys girl and my father has always been super overprotective of me.

"I did not she was the one who was acting like a whore she chose some guy over me" cloud shout my chest hurts hearing him say these thing.

" how dare you call my daughter a whore you dont deserve her ill let her decide what to do with you but until then stay away from me or I swear on my life I will kill you" dad snarls making cloud growl.

"your daughter IS a whore and a slut and worthless to me id do better to reject her weak ass for clinging to some guy like that knowing we are mates" cloud growls making me collapse in pain drawing everyones attention they all rush over except cloud who stares at me regretfully.

"I tripped" I say they all look taken aback.

"I tripped and raf caught me nothing more you never let me explain" I say sitting up.

"what" cloud says in disbelief so I start to stand and speak my voice rising with every sentence.

"im done im not weak cloud nor am I a whore. you dont want me fine but im alpha of this god damn pack YOUR alpha and you will show me some fucking respect or I wont hesitate to lock your ungrateful ass in the cells because ill be damned if I let my mate make me into some whiny bitch im top dog so either rejected me and let me move on or stay out of my fucking way while you decide if you want me or not but until then I shall do as I please and be with who ever the hell I want" I shout so he steps back shocked at my outburst but then he walk away emotionless. I sigh and let my shoulders droop.

"go sis" daniel says hugging me dad cradles me after daniel and then ma they return to their day and I return to my room to sleep.

the next morning I wake up but I wont be going to school today I have things to take care of and two packs to visit. I jump outta bed and throw on black cargo pants combat boots and a black tank top before heading down stairs. mom stands at the stove cooking while dad sits reading the paper at the table with brittany to his left daniel is nowhere in site so he probably went to pick up leya for school before they will join us for breakfast.

"morning sweetheart did u sleep well" dad asks so I nod and stretch.

"so I invited my new boyfriend for breakfast this morning" brittany says with an evil grin but I just sit down on dads right side and ignore her.

"thats wonderful we cant wait to meet him" mom says then august, daniel and leya walk in. daniel kisses my head before sitting beside me with leya to his left and august sits in front of leya.

"morning august and leya " I say so they smile at me as mom plates the food. suddenly the door bell rings and brittany sprints to the door be fire returning with someone but ive already started to eat when I hear the collective gasp.

"everybody this is my boyfriend cloud" brittany says so I snap my head up the food hid his scent but my sight is just fine as I stare at my mate whose arm is wrapped tightly around her waist.

"absolutely not" father says standing but mom stares him down til he sits without a word.

"well this is a surprise but we will accept brittanys decision and have a nice breakfast" mom says and the tone in her voice warns someone to argue mainly me. I feel my chest tighten as they sit with brittany infront of me and cloud infront of daniel.

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