chapter nine

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It's been two hours since cloud fell asleep after I finished patching him up. I get up and head to the door looking back at clouds peaceful face before leaving the room.

I head down stairs to the kitchen and sit at the island on a bar stool. As I drift into my thoughts tears slip down my face.

Brittany leaving, dad dying, clouds pack dying, cloud being kidnapped all of it is my fault. I wish I was better and I wish everyone would stop getting hurt because of me. Silent tears flood from my eyes when the door opens and I quickly wipe my eyes.

"Are you okay " I turn and see Alister so I look away hiding my tear stained face but it's no use.

" What's wrong" he asks walking to a cabinet and grabbing two glasses then  filling them with milk before he heats them up.

" Nothing I'm fine" I say not looking him in the eye. He grabs the two glasses and hands me one after the microwave finishes.

" You don't have to lie it's only me" he says and I chuckle humorlessly.

"I'm an alpha-" I start but he cuts me off.

" And alphas don't cry?" He asks and I nod so he chuckles.

" Wrong alphas do cry more than the rest of the pack" he says and I look up and stare him in the eyes.

"That's not true alphas are strong and fearless-" he cuts me off.

" It's not all about being strong or fearless or brave. It's also about being kind, humble, and caring. Kind enough to accept others flaws being humble enough to admit your own and caring enough to fix them" he says and I sip my milk.

" It's all my fault cloud, your parents, my dad everything is my fault" I finally say and he chuckles making me glare.

" No it's not our parents decided to attack your pack with no motive, your sister choose to hurt your dad and Drake came up twith the idea to kidnap cloud how is any of that your fault" he says and I'm taken aback.

" How do you know all that" I ask so he smiles.

"You think my brother makes a move without me knowing he's my only family so I have to make sure he is okay but the rest I found out while looking after my brother so tell me how is that your fault" he says drinking some of his milk.

"I-I-I don't know" I says quietly so he smiles and downs the rest of his milk before putting his glass in the sink.

"Of course you don't because it isn't your fault now I'm heading back to bed but remember we all mess up but as an alpha we must remember that our mistakes effect the pack but if our pack makes a mistake it isn't our fault that it happened it's our fault if we dont make sure it never happens  again. Don't blame yourself for things beyond your control" he says then he leaves me alone in the darkness. I sit there til I see the sun rising through the window. I get up and head back to clouds side. As I crawl into bed cloud shifts towards meand I smile but it quickly vanishes when he winces in pain. I look at his wounds and all I can think is if it's not my fault he has them why does it feel like it is. I pass out with cloud by my side.


I wake up and look at cloud but he's not here so I launch out of bed and out the door following his scent til I reach the dining hall leading to the kitchen. As I enter I see cloud surrounded by thirty to forty people all rejoicing at his return. Alister spots me first and nods at me with a friendly smile so I return the gesture.

After a few moments cloud spots me.

" Look it's mystic" cloud says happily making the group turn and look at me. Some had kind smiles other were suspicious and the rest had looks of hatred making me stiffen.

"Come on " cloud says and I slowly make my way to him when I notice he is sitting with fresh bandages.

" Isn't it great my old packmates are here " he says so I nod calmly ignoring the glares I got. Suddenly a girl around my age jumps into clouds arms.

" I've missed you so much cloud" the strawberry blonde haired girl says batting her green eyes at my mate she leans in to kiss him on the cheek when I grab her shoulder and pull her back.

"Who are you" I ask and realize she is one of the ones glaring.

" I'm clouds girlfriend Amy we got separated for awhile but he is back now and we can continue where we left off" she says and I growl lowly.

" No you can not he is coming with me back to my pack and you aren't allowed to touch him" I snarl and she growls.

" He is my boyfriend I'll touch him all I want" she says reaching forwards to grab clouds hand making midnight, star, and comet shift around.

" He isn't your boyfriend he is MY mate and if you want to keep that hand I suggest you keep it off him" I say snatching her wrist back. Everyone gasps but any just growls.

"I don't care" she growl and cloud stands In front of me.

" Don't Amy it's over between us and if you proceed you will be challenging an alpha which means she will be forced to kill you" he says and she looks surprised and hurt.

"Fine"she says walking off. Cloud looks at me slightly annoyed and I feel hurt. I was protecting what was mine. I turn and head outside shifting as I jump off the porch. I take off into the woods blowing off steam when I'm tackled to the ground. I throw off the rust colored she-wolf and growl.

Amy snarls back challenging me but I know that if I kill her cloud will be upset she knows it to. I can't fight her because I'd have to kill her and cloud would be mad I can't back down because she'd get my alpha tittle.

I look around and she jumps falling into my trap I grab the back of her neck and start to drag her to the pack house. She fights but I'm to strong when we get there I let her go and howl making everyone rush out of the house. Cloud looks at us both Amy is still snarling a challenge at me and cloud sighs. I watch as he nods to me.

I face Amy as she lunges for my throat but I duck and grab hers tearing it out quickly. She gasps and gurgles then she is silent.

"Amy oh god no" I turn and see a boy who looks about 26 running to her body. I shift back and cloud comes to my side.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I had no choice" I say to cloud when the guy glares at me.

"You killed my sister " he snarls and I feel guilt hit me like a bat.

" She was warned I'm sorry for your lose. Cloud it's time to leave" I say and cloud sighs when Alister walks up to me.

" Me and a few others would like to join your pack" he says as Alex, Megan, their son andy, Vince and Vanessa all walk up followed by a few others.

"Okay but are you sure you want to leave the rest behind" I ask but Alister doesn't get to answer because Amy's brother jumps up.

"The rest of us know your a monster alpha mystic.  We will never forgive what you've done to our pack" hen snarls and I sigh.

"Very well my pack will always welcome you if you change your mind lets go guys" I say as i turn then shift the rest follow suit and cloud leads us towards home.

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