Messanger// Old man

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Direct messenger/// Old Man

Lil Stark:
Thank you for earlier it did mean a lot even though it probably didn't seem like much

Old Man:
Don't worry bout it Liz I know the next fews months are always the hardest for you and Harry don't forget I've been there for you guys every year for the past 8 years

I'm just making sure one of my favourite people are okay doesn't matter whether by blood or not I will always see you as a daughter

Lil Stark:
And I have always seen you as a father

I don't think I would have made it this far with out you or the others

I feel bad I know my brothers tried his hardest but he does appreciate that you guys look out for me and all when ever he can't

Old man:
It's the least I can do I remember having to sit with you on set waiting for your brother to come get you some times I understand how hard it must be for you guys sometimes

Lil Stark:
I don't think I would have made it through the day with out you or Gwyn (Gwyn-the actress who plays Pepper Potts) being there for me

Old man:
Don't worry bout it kid we all have our low points in life it's just sad that you had to experience your at such a young age heck your still the same little fluffy head girl who bounced onto the set of Ironman every morning in my eyes

Lil Stark:
I miss those days sometimes I liked it when it was just Ironman and no Thor or Captain America to compete with I mean it's fun having the others on set but I think I was so use to it just being our little family on set that it was weird having strangers there

Old man:
Be honest you wouldn't have it any other way their your family whether you like it or not Blair Haven Stark

Lil Stark:
Haha whatever Old man thank you for always being able to make me feel better about life I wouldn't know what to do with out you

Old man:
It's no trouble knowing that I'm able to help in anyway possible is good enough for me

Sorry lil Stark but we got filming to do see you at dinner oh and if you see either Chris or Mackey tell em to get their sorry asses back to set lunch break is over!

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