Messanger// Will you?

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Tommy✅- so I've been thinking...

Well isn't that you know a bit dangerous for you

Tommy✅- I'm being serious here okay just hear me out

Alright I'm listening

Tommy✅- the premier of 'in the heart of the sea' is coming up in a few days and you leave the same time I leave


Tommy✅- well I was wondering if maybe possibly you might consider being my date??

But that means I would be replacing Harrison I could never do that it would brake his poor little heart

Tommy✅- I'm being serious here Lizzie will you be my date to the premiere? Yes or no?

well if you come back upstairs I'll give you my answer

Tommy✅- no matter how much I want you'll have to tell me now Harrison, the twins and Paddy are staring me whilst I'm talking to you

That explains why Paddy left in the middle of our intense game of UNO

I was so close to beating him

Tommy✅- you know I bet you were as well

Yeah I'm attempting to play it on my own but I keep cheating so there's no point.

Tommy✅- so is that a yes or a no cause I can't leave until I give the boys an answer their holding me hostage in the Kitchen!

Give me ten seconds then you shall have your answer and be liberated!!

Tommy✅- good cause I'm starting to worry about all their mental healths

I'll be right there big guy don't worry bout it

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