Real life// blush... and a call

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I stood with Maisie as we watched Tom and Hetty have a go at who the best was at cartwheels, Tom was still in his stunt stuff whilst I was still in Blair's costume

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I stood with Maisie as we watched Tom and Hetty have a go at who the best was at cartwheels, Tom was still in his stunt stuff whilst I was still in Blair's costume.

"Common Tom we've got to be on set in five minutes" I called out looking down at my phone as a message from Scarlett popped up reminding me that Tom and I had a scene to film in a few minutes. "One more try and then we can go!" He answered hopping up and down  on the spot before going into a round off, "show off jeez" Hetty scoffed before nodding to Maisie who moved forward and assisted her as she attempted a back flip. "Okay who's the show off know?" I spoke sarcastically moving forward till Tom wrapped his arms round me as I pecked his cheek, "what happened to the whole 'I've been doing gymnastics way longer than you so it's obvious I'm gonna be better than you' act you where meant to be exhibiting just then?" I asked pouting playfully as he chuckled pecking the tip of my nose.

"I may have been going easy on her" he simply stated before taking hold of my hand and leading the way to set as the girls followed behind us soon being joined by Harrison.
"So you excited this is your fourth scene together in five days how exciting is that" Harrison put on an excited fan girly expression as Maisie and Hetty copied him. "Yeah, yeah, and such a sad scene as Peter and Blair say good bye to each other as their separated for the infinity war" Hetty cooed as Peter and I laughed at the trio.

"Yeah what ever, it won't be long Blair always finds a way back to Peter.... that's how it's always been both  films and comics... she sees Peter as both Spider-Man and Peter like their one, Gwen fell for Peter Parker more whilst Mary Jane fell for Spider-Man more" I explained to them as they all seemed to go, 'aww' at the comment.

"Tom, Lizzie your needed on set" some one called over the mega phone as we said goodbye to one another before separating and moving to our specific areas for the start of the scene.

"Alright everyone in places... silence on set and Action!"

I waited listening to Robert, Tom, Gwyneth, Benedict and Benedict delivered their lines waiting for my cue.

"You believe that those already fighting with us will be enough?" Benedict/ Doctor Strange questioned Robert/Tony, "I have faith that we'll be enough, but I won't take her with us this is one fight I refuse to let her be apart of" Robert spoke sternly hand raised pointing towards the sky slightly as Gwyneth's fake phone went off, "Happy?" She answered as all attention turned to her, "she's where?" She turned to look at Robert as Tom backed away slightly.

"Okay thank you Happy" she said before ending the call, "I hope to god your prepared for the rathe of a teenage girl" she spoke directly at Robert. "Can't be any bad as going up against Thanos" he stated as that was my cue to come storming into the room, "What is wrong with you!" I yell at Robert pointing a finger at him. "I hardly wear it for nearly two years and then when I have to wear the suit you make Friday lock me out of every system in not only my database but the entire Stark Industries database .... I mean honestly it's like your trying to get me pissed off at you" I growled in an annoyed manner, as Benedict goes to fake deliver words before my character cuts him off.

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