Real life// what everyone else knows but me

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I was confused.
Why had Lizzie left so suddenly no goodbyes, no I'll talk laters, just I need to call my brother.

I walked onto sey whilst Harrison tried to talk to me, I didn't listen properly I was worried for my friend she was important to me, I hated the fact that there was even a possibility that she could ever be sad.
Lizzie always seemed so happy, the way she acted last night though startled me a bit, it didn't seem like her at all.

"Hey Tom where's Lizzie?" I suddenly heard Harrison say from next to me as we arrive at the costume department normally Lizzie would be in here to say good morning before we all went for breakfast normally with one of us or both being in costume.

I looked round confused as to where she could be, "I have no clue Haz honestly I don't" I admit looking round before spotting a tense looking Robert, Chris and Scarlett talking to one another with worried looks on their faces.

I saw Sebastian soon join the group seeming to be relaying something to them as Robert rubbed his face whilst Scarlett crossed her arms across her chest, "I wonder what's going on over there?" I pointed out to Harrison as he looked over at the small group of four people, "I have no clue wanna find out I mean they may know where Lizzie is" he suggests as I nod we wander towards them as they all turn their heads to us as soon as Chris nodded in our direction.

"You guys wouldn't have happened to have seen Lizzie would you, she was acting a bit weird last night when I texted her, and this morning she wasn't at our normal meeting spot to where we go to breakfast" I explain as Robert laughs down heartedly.

"Course she wouldn't of told you two" he muttered as Sebastian and Chris gave each other worried looks.

"What wouldn't she have told us, I mean we pretty much know everything about each other, what's up with her?" Harrison questioned as I go to talk, "she was weird every time I brought up her parents... she seemed so different like I asked what where they like, and she said she couldn't answer it then when she asked me whether I still lived with my parents I said I did when I asked whether she did she straight out answered no then continued to answer with no before saying she needed to call her brother and then ignored all my other texts...." I explain to them as they look among each other before back at me.

"Is there something wrong between her and her parents did they have a falling out or something is that why she doesn't want to talk about them?" I question as Scarlett sniffles seeming to have watery eyes.

"It's complicated kid alright, just when she gets back tomorrow don't pester her or anything let her talk to you" Sebastian said to me and Harrison confusing us.

"Common boys let's go get breakfast okay," she said quickly trying to change the topic as the other and I nodded following on towards the food tent.

"I wonder what that was all about?" Harrison whispered to me as we are everything seemed gloomier less happy on set. It wasn't until half way through eating a man about in his late twenties walked in as if looking for someone, he looked similar to Lizzie having similar hair colour but his eyes looked sad but he seemed to be in a way struggling to keep up the strong look.

"Hey your Tom and Harrison right you guys wouldn't happen to know where I could find my sisters trailer would you?" He came up to us as we seemed to be the only people in the food tent, "um yeah sure we can try who's your sister?" Harrison asked oblivious to how he even new our names, "yeah I'm Harry Lizzies older brother" he said introducing him self to us as we nodded, "oh yeah she uh said she would give a call yesterday... you wouldn't happen to know what's wrong with her everyone but us seems to know what the hell is going on with her and we're worried about her" I tell him as he looked saddened for a moment, "she hasn't told you has she?" He questioned as we nodded.

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