Real life/messanger//socks

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(Her outfit)Lying upside down on the coach whilst watching an old episode of the suite life, I heard my Sister call out to me from the front door "hey Lizzie me and Harold are going to visit a couple of friends from School we'll be home in a few h...

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(Her outfit)
Lying upside down on the coach whilst watching an old episode of the suite life, I heard my Sister call out to me from the front door "hey Lizzie me and Harold are going to visit a couple of friends from School we'll be home in a few hours no burning down the place whilst we're gone okay..... Love ya BYE!!!!" before the door slammed shut. Sighing I flipped back up to sit normally before laughing at the part where me, Cole and Dylan started chucking pies along with the other grown ups in the mascaraed party. I remembered filming that Cole had cracked and egg on my head then cracked two on Dylan's head, after the pair had cover my entire front in flour. Turning it off I got up heading for my room in search of my phone and the time.

 Turning it off I got up heading for my room in search of my phone and the time

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(Outfit worn in the scene)

Running a hand through my hair as I flop down onto my bed glancing over to the cloak that was on my wall it was about 10 in the morning Meaning it would be safe to message Tom with out worrying about waking him up.


Tommy🕷- Tom
Kitten 🐱- Lizzie

Kitten 🐱-
Are you awake??

Tommy🕷- yep what's up darling?

Kitten 🐱-
Wanna face time I'm lonely my siblings have abandoned to spend time with others

Tommy🕷- sure let me get rid of Harrison first

Kitten 🐱-


I waited patiently as a picture of Toms face soon appeared on my screen, quickly accepting it as Tom's real face appeared on my screen.

"Morning Kitten" he cooed as I scoffed "not a morning person how could I forget" he fake gasped at the end as I laughed at him, "very funny Tommy very very funny" I sighed smiling as he seemed to move about the room he was in. "So what have you been up to since my awesome presence left yours?" He asked finally sitting down in a desk chair, "oh you know finished filming a couple weeks back.. spent some time with my sister and Brother went shopping with some friends you know the usual 'girly stuff'" I said making quotations round the 'girly stuff' "cool awesome hair by the way when did you get that changed?" He asked pointing out my newly dyed hair, I fiddled with a few strands before saying "few days ago now, I wanted to do something new to celebrate turning 19 so got a tattoo and had my hair dyed" I told him holding up my arm for him to see my new Tattoo.

"Wow!" He said whistling at my tattoo, "yeah it's really nice but nothing can compare to my tattoo on the bottom of my foot" he joked holding up his bare foot showing off his Spider tattoo.

"My my for a person who hates Spiders you seem to have a lot to do with them" I laugh as he grins at me. "I miss hanging out with you Kitten I honestly do" he admitted making me pout at him, "don't say that you make me feel even worse" I whined as he chuckled.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look cute with your glasses on?" He commented making me blush ever so slightly, "twice mr Holland and that was a very long time ago once when it was written down in a script and a second when they said it after making the three of us laugh" I told him as he looked in confusion, "when was this? And who said it?" He asked looking at me curiously.

"Oh the Sprouse Twins Dylan and Cole, Dylan was the one who said the line but then when we paused for a moment so I could act unimpressed Cole went and said it as well making me laugh which lead to them laughing" I explained smiling at the memory. "Cool when did you work with them?" He asked as I shook my head at him, "full of questions today ain't ya Tommy?" I said before explaining on how I met the Twins.

"Have to admit they are my favourite pair of twins... they pranked me once with itching powder once on set I later got them back by hiding worms in their coat pockets" I laughed telling him as he joined in, "remind me never to pull a prank on you then what happened when they found the worms?" He asked seeming quite interested in the story, "well Cole screamed jumping about three feet in the air trying to get his jacket off Dylan squealed and chucked them at Cole who got one in his hair they new never to prank me ever again" I said as he laughed at the story.

"Sounds like you had quite the childhood in the film business didn't you Miss Betteridge" he chuckled as I grinned at him, "well you could say that" I say as we both go quiet.

"I miss you Lizzie" he finally spoke after we spent a few minutes just watching each other not saying a word, "I miss you too Tommy" I mumble seeing him smile at me making my insides lighten up, I look down at me feet that I had against the wall as I lay on my bed with my feet in the air and against my wall.

"Hey Tommy guess what?" I whisper giggling as he tilted his head playfully, "what is it?" He answered as I grinned before flipping the camera so it pointed to my socked feet, "I have unicorns and Stars on my feet" I giggled hearing him laugh. "Out of everything you could have said how did I not think you where gonna bring up your socks" he sighed softly as I flipped the camera back over to me, "well I'm just weird like that" I say as he smiled at my comment, "I know your weird but I like it when your weird" he said as I sighed, "look who's talking your weird as well that's why we're a match" I grinned whilst me moved the camera slightly.

"When can we see each other again I miss my kitten" he whined sounding like a little kid as I laughed.

"I miss you too Tommy but unless we see each other before hand we won't see each other till the press tour and Premiere's" I said sounding sad as I looked hurt before shaking his head, "come visit me" he told me as I looked at him, "I've only ever been to England Twice" I say before adding "not a fan of the weather sometimes there".

"Well its nearly December at least come visit for a little while before Christmas" he tried to reason with me.

"I'll think about it Tommy okay I promise" I say looking at him as he looked back with hopeful eyes.

"I wish I was there with you... you seem so lonely.... promise me your okay and looking after your self" he said as I nodded my head, "yes Tom I'm looking after my self, I'm use to being on my own sometimes and I am looking after my self I promise remember I'm a big girl know I'm 19 remember" I say.

"Okay I just can't help but worry sometimes is all I care about you a lot and I worry about you sometimes is all" he admitted making me smile even more, "it's alright Tom I understand your missing me is all I really miss you as well" I tell him seeing his face drop slightly before coming back with a small smile.

"Your still cute though Kitten perhaps wear your cat ears with that hair you'll look even more" he told me as I made a face at him, "yeah but not as cute as you though Tom" I say blushing after I said it.

"Well then let's come to an agreement, perhaps we can be cute together then?" He asked looking even more hopeful at me.

"Perhaps Spiderling perhaps"

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