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Hey so I started the sequel it's called "Luck of the evening".

I've got the first few parts finished and ready to post they should be up in the next few days or so but here's a taster of what to expect in the first chapter

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I've got the first few parts finished and ready to post they should be up in the next few days or so but here's a taster of what to expect in the first chapter.

"I'm really sorry but me and Maisie are gonna have to take her to where ever the twins are...." Hetty spoke up directly at the producers and directors and supervisors, both me and Harrison looked at the pair in surprise "we'll come with...." Harrison begins to say before being cut off by Maisie.

"No Haz, Tom needs to work and your his assistant, besides Liz wouldn't want you to see her like this... no offence Tom but even if you've seen her cry in the past if something bad might happen she's gonna try and push everyone in her life away" she explained as those who hadn't left in shock but still stayed talked quietly amongst themselves about their fellow actress.

"We can give her time off not a lot but at least a few weeks, it'll give us time to perfect and go over previous scenes that she's not in" Joe Russo told us both Hetty and Maisie nodded thanking them as everyone was soon ushered away leaving only Robert, Scarlett, Chris. E, Sebastian and Gwyneth.

"When you flying out?" Chris asked as Maisie and Hetty shared a look before answering "tonight as soon as possible, I'm gonna go call Harry back and find out where they are" Hetty told them as she moved off to the side to call Harry as Maisie looked close to tears as it dawned on her more the fact the girl who had been like a big sister to her most of her life was know in hospital. "Hey kiddo come here" Scarlett basically beckoned the young girl with open arms as she moved into the comfort of her open arms.

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