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Tagged: Eliza_Betteridge1996

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Tagged: Eliza_Betteridge1996

7.2likes 167comments

~~ May I introduce my wonderful girlfriend Elizabeth Maddison  Betteridge, recently someone let out that Lizzie's parents had passed away a few years back, though this is true Lizzie and her siblings were doing what they thought was right by not telling people, there isn't any need to criticise them in anyway for the choice that they made back then. I'm here to say that Lizzie doesn't deserve any of what's happening to her recently, I care very deeply about what happens to this amazing girl whom I get to call my own and seeing how everything that's happening to her and her siblings pains me since I know that there is nothing to be done to stop what's happening only what can be done to help make things better for them.


Username- 😭 the twins and Lizzie don't deserve how people are judging them😭

Username2- I always suspected that something was with them but how a lot of people are reacting towards this news is so cruel😱

Zendaya- could not have said it any better than that Tom

Username3- people leave the twins and Lizzie alone

Username4- Lizzie didn't get a say in the choices that where made, she would have been about 8 or nine when it happened probs

Username5- shouldn't have kept it a secret if they didn't want this to happen!

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Tagged: Eliza_Betteridge1996

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Tagged: Eliza_Betteridge1996

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