Instagram// Defenders

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Instagram~~~ Eliza_Betteridge1996

Instagram~~~ Eliza_Betteridge1996

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4.56k likes 133 comments

-Back with the Girls looking forward to seeing their faces for the next 5-6 months👍


Scarjohannson-- yeah looking forward to kicking your butt whilst out there

Robertdowneyjr-- the gang is back together again looking forward to spending the next few months attempting to get work done

Imsebastianstan-- god non of us are gonna get anything done just saying shortstuff and mackie together on set means chaos

Anthonymackie-- I take great offence from that @imsebastianstan great offence..... ahh what the heck my little mischief buddy's back

Eliza_Betteridge1996-- yay Mack-attack!! first victim on my list(@imsebastianstan)

Chrisevans-- hahahaha first victim good luck Seb your gonna need it

Scarjohannson-- oh yeah @imsebastianstan is so gonna die whilst on set

Elizabetholsen-- I must agree with Scarlett on this one sorry @sebastianstan but your not gonna make it past day three

Username-- wait wait wait their filming what are they filming???

Username-- who cares sounds like being on set is way better than the film

Username-- their attack poor Sebastian

Eliza_Betteridge1996-- on the contrary @username I'm the only who is going to be attacking @imsebastianstan he's my first victim after all maybe this time I won't get onto victim number 25 like I did whilst filming Ironman 3 *cough* @Robertdowneyjr *cough*

Username-- has anyone realised that her and RDJ have been working together for marvel for years

Username-- no body cares she doesn't play that big a part the whole thing would be better with out her in it anyway

Robertdowneyjr-- actually @Username Tony Stark would never have been able to have gotten through any of what he's been through if it wasn't for the motivation of seeing and being able to look after his daughter Blair again so yeah with out Blair/ Elizabeth there wouldn't have been much for Tony to fight for when held hostage in Afghan in the first Ironman film

PaulRudd-- ^^Preach!! @Robertdowneyjr

Scarjohannson-- ^^




Mark _Ruffalo--^^^


Tom_Hiddleston-- ^^

Elizabetholsen-- couldn't have said it better my self

Imsebastianstan-- I will agree with the old man set would be quite boring without this amazing person there

Anthonymackie-- I agree with both the tin can and the frozen popsicle

Eliza_Betteridge1996-- 😇this is why you guys are counted as being my family

Harry_Betteridge1988-- and I am your family

Harry_Betteridge1988-- and this is why I trust you going out into the big wide world without me hanging around you all the time you've got some awesome people watching your back

Username-- 😬things got intense

Username-- he defended her like she was his actual daughter 😭

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