Real Life/ Instagram//cat ears

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(Elizabeth's outfit)


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I jog over to Tom and sadly Harrison's trailer knocking quickly before stepping back so I wouldn't get hit.

"Oh no it's you" a disgusted voice spoke as the door swung open, "yeah morning to you too Haz common Tom better be up it's our day off and I wanna go and explore" I whined entering their trailer heading towards where Tom was laying asleep with a hat covering half his face surrounded by packets of sweets and crisps and Popcorn. "What time did you finish your movie marathon?" I questioned pointing at the sleeping body, "it wasn't that late honestly he fell asleep long before the end credits" Harrison said going round and clearing up a bit.

"Rock, Paper scissors on who wakes him up?" I suggested as Harrison began to leave the room, "nope I'm good go wake him up your self" he groaned nearly walking into a door making me laugh. Slowly moving to his side I shake him slightly, "Tom, Tom, fuck sake Tom get up" I say as he growled at me swatting me away before resting again.

Huffing I look round for any glass cups  that I could fill with cold water to pour on his head. After finding none in the room but not being bothered to put in the effort of going to look in the rest of the trailer, another idea pops into my head knowing I'm either going to regret it or get caught and Harrison make a huge deal about, I tip toe back over to Tom before crawling onto the Sofa/ makeshift bed carefully I straddle Tom before grabbing hold of his shoulder and shaking him, "Tom get up already!" I say continuing to shake him awake till feeling him grab hold of my arms stopping me from shaking him before pulling me flush against him.

"What a brilliant way to wake up with such a pretty face being there" he spoke in a hoarse Voice whilst grinning even though his eyes were still closed, "yeah well seemed like a good idea at first but seems I forgot one element to my plan" I chuckle seeing his dark brown eyes open. "Yeah and what would that be?" He questioned tilting his head to the side to try and hide his smirk from me, "what you would do once you woke up" I said grinning whilst attempting to get back up "nice ears you look like a kitten" he commented as I tried to pull my arms from his grasp "Tom please let go I'm bored and today is everyone's day off let's go do something instead of being cooped up on set all day" I plead looking over at the door incase Harrison walked in and saw this.

"Sure what ever the little kitten wants" he laughed kissing the back of my hand before letting go as I quickly get off him straightening out my skirt as before moving to sit down across the room from him. "Whatever look just hurry up will you alright god knows why Harrison is taking so long to get ready, Chris mentioned possible Karaoke tonight and Scarlett and Elizabeth invited us to lunch with everyone else so you know hurry up so we got more time to do more fun things and less grown up stuff!" I shoo him off as Harrison makes an appearance.

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