Real Life// SDCC

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"COMIC CON WHOA!!!!!" I called sticking my head out the Window as Lili and Cami burst into laughter at my actions

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"COMIC CON WHOA!!!!!" I called sticking my head out the Window as Lili and Cami burst into laughter at my actions.

We where minutes away from arriving at my favourite place, San Diageo Comic Con, a place where Nerds, geeks, cos players, fans and all come together to enjoy the shear magnificent of 'the Fan Life'.

I've been attending comic con since 2007, and I'm never gonna miss a year till the day I die.

This year how ever I'm not going there for any marvel related stuff.

This year I'm going because of my new role in the new CW Tv show Riverdale in which I play Jughead's twin BlueJazz or BJ for short, and what made things better is that now even though I use to be the one with the black hair when we were kids, but Cole Sprouse now has black hair making the pair of us look more alike than ever.

"You excited Liz?" Cami asked as I was bouncing up and down in my seat in anticipation, "yeah I live for comic con as in no matter what shit goes down in my life there is no way in hell I'm ever missing comic con like if my wedding day was on during Comic con I'd drag my future husband down here and we'd get married here instead and spend it going round buying merch as wedding gifts" I told them in serious tone not knowing that Lili was recording me before sending it to both our group chat and Tommy.

"Guess we better warn Tommy before anything else happens!" She chirped in a highish pitched tone, Camila snorted as I glared at the pair of them.

"We're here!" Lili giggled seeing my entire face light up with joy.

We soon ended up being shepherded into the back where all the celebrities where during Comic con, I caught sight of Joe, Holland and the rest of the Teen wolf cast I spotted a few old faces.

I speed up into a run as I spotted a certain raven haired guy whom I hadn't seen in four years, "Cole... Cole... Cole!!" I squealed tackling him into a tight hug receiving an even tighter one in return, "mini sis!" He chuckled squeezing the life out of me.

"Look at you you've grown since I last saw you" he complained seeing I was a lot closer to his height now than I was back then, "yeah puberty hit me like a bitch and allowed for me to finally grow" I joked getting a laugh from him. "Congrats on finding a guy actually worth your time I'm proud of you Liz" he said patting me on the shoulder, it felt like we'd been seeing each other every day like we use to nothing felt awkward it was like back in the day where me, Dylan and him would sit around playing video games or them helping me with school work and stuff.

"I can't believe I'm stealing Dylan's role" I sighed dramatically seeing him shake his head, "I know Dylan was laughing his ass off when he heard about that but we've gotta admit you look more like the pair of us know than you did as a kid though not much has changed how you look, it's easy to mistake us for siblings now isn't it" he replied as I nodded spotting Lili and Cami talking to some of the other cast.

"I've gotta admit I've not actually met all the cast I only know you, Lili and Camila so wanna introduce me to them?" I ask seeing him look around, "yeah sure and if one of the red heads starts fan hurling just go with it okay and if they faint then just leave em there" he explained to me as I grinned nodding as he started introducing me to people.

"And this here's Kj he plays Archie and he's the red head I warned you about" Cole whispered at the end as a tallish guy around his high held out his hand with a classic fan girl awed face.

"Hey I'm Kj huge fan of you in Suit life I watched you as a kid growing up it's so awesome to finally be meeting you" he gushed out in a thick kiwi accent, "easy there Kiwi don't go fainting on me, it's great to meet you too Kj I'm Lizzie" I smile at him seeing him burst into laughter "it's great meeting you too I can't wait to start working with you," he told me as everyone started getting ready for the panel after being here for 5 hours.

We got in line in order of how we would be called out I was in between Lili and Madeleine as each of us got called up, "she's our dearest raven haired friend, If you think Blair Stark was complicated let's introduce her other side as the first Jones Twin, guys give up for Elizabeth Betteridge" the announcer spoke over the microphone as I walked out waving as the crowd went wild. I took my seat getting a big gulp from my water bottle as they called up everyone else, I high five Madeleine as she walks up making her laugh since it turned out our characters are incredibly close.

There was a moment where there weren't enough chairs for everyone so I had Madeleine sharing my chair as they try and get two more chairs.

"Can I just say before we being, Lizzie congrats on Civil War it's gotta be my favourite marvel film ever, it's a massive hit as well so well done on that" he says as everyone claps I nodded with a bright smile as I high five Lili.

The panel was short yet explained enough for people to understand.

As soon as I got off the panel I was immediately separated from the group and taken to a different area.

"Finally bitch where the hell have you been!" A voice called from a table across the room as a tall body came crashing into me, "Jesus Zenny" I gasped being squished by the taller girl, I hear a bunch of laughs as I look over to see Jacob, Tony, Laura and Harrison sitting at a table I smile brightly seeing them all before frowning when I couldn't see one certain person.

"Bathroom!" Harrison called with a knowing look as both Laura and Zendaya start to fawn over after not seeing each other for the past couple of days.

"And so then I met this guy called Kj who is a super fan girl I called him a kiwi cause you knows he's from New Zealand and all So kiwi is his new name" I explained more about some of the people I had met before two hands covered my eyes as a rough deep voice spoke "guess who" he said as I bit the inside of my cheek to stop my self from laughing, "let me guess... Chris.... no ones in Australia the other is on set for a new film umm I'm not sure Mark.... no he's off with his family.... oh oh Harrison!!" I fake squealed in excitement as I heard a loud dramatic sigh, "your a terrible girlfriend" Tom finally spoke in his normal voice as I turned to see a small pout on his lips.

"Awww baby don't be upset" I cooed getting up from my seat wrapping my arms around his neck, "would it make you feel better the fact I really missed you?" I smiled a small smile in an attempt to cheer him up.

"Let me go with you to check out the merchandise and venues and we'll call it even" he bargained with me, "didn't you get Lily's video of me... I basically stated that on my wedding day if it's on during comic-con is gonna be spent there instead with my future husband" I told him as his face lit up in a bright blush. "That would be pretty awesome you gotta admit" he said as I nodded.

"Ready for the panel?" I asked him as he nodded, "I can't wait for them to hear and see what we've done" he spoke in excitement as we got called to be ready for the panel to start.

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