guess what...ive been tagged !

28 2 6

tagged by yohomieyotrash

here goes:

what kind of phone do you have?
funny story, actually. so i am currently using my iphone 6 to write this, but i'm on vacation by myself (staying with my grandparents) and i have an iphone 7 waiting for me at home :) (ps it's an early bday present)

do you have a crush?
celebrity? many. actual crush.... yikes it's complicated !!!

august 30
(comin up comin up!)

who are your best friends?
well irl i have two like ride or die bffs and then a few more. i don't know if they want their. names out here so i'll just call them "M" and "T"

favorite song?
omg i hate this question i have like ten billion favorite songs ! but if i had to have a favorite song (currently) i would choose "Touch Me" from Spring Awakening

biggest fear?
vomit. I will even go as far as to say that I have etmaphobia. etmaphobia it the fear of vomiting, seeing someone vomit, or just seeing vomit in general. yeah, I have that.

little lesson: there's a difference between a fear and a phobia. a fear is just something you're afraid of. let's take spiders for example (lol my second biggest fear) so, someone who is afraid of spiders would, say, scream when they see one. but someone who has arachnophobia, like myself, is deathly afraid. like they check their shoes before the put them on, check their bed before falling asleep. mine comes in this form: i check the corners of the room before i go to sleep every night. therefore, i have more then just a fear of vomit

i may have a panic attack if i see some vomit or vomit myself. i overthink everything i do before i do it to see if there's any way i could run into vomit in some way/shape/form. it's way worse than a fear, trust me. my heart was racing just writing this :/

hair color?
do i even need to answer this ??? it blonde ! if you don't know that by now, well there's the exit, please show yourself out

favorite subject?
if i can't pick acting then i'll pick english/language arts

tag 20 people
yikes !!! i don't even know twenty people, i'll tag as many as I can :)


that's all i can tag folks! also, you don't have to do this, i ain't gonna force you

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