Are people skipping the "Summer" chapters in Flipped? Because if so, that is not cool.
Ok it takes me forever to think of a good, not over used idea for my books, especially Flipped, and it's much harder to write Summer's than it is to write Freddy's.
I honestly am really upset and if you skip over Summer's then you need to STOP because in order to get the full experience from the book you need to read both point of views. They are intended to be similar, but not the same, and as the book goes on you are going to regret not taking the time to read through Summer's because as similar as they are now they're slowly drifting apart to become two very different stories weaved into one.
I'm really disappointed and I will put Flipped on hold if this continues. This makes me truly upset and it makes my heart hurt and makes me (and Summer) feel unappreciated. And in most cases the read are at least a hundred views apart Summer vs Freddy.
That's means 100 people just completely ignored Summer's POV. It's part of the story and when I read books I don't skip chapters.
This needs to stop, there have only been three time where Summer had gotten more reads than Freddy and it was only by a few. And I'm not gonna complain if they're a few reads apart, but 20-100 reads apart makes me mad.
Just stop and take the extra thirty seconds to read both chapter.
Ok? Ok.