...and back again

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"Yeah that's much better... "Speed thought landing on Miami International. Calleigh was still sleeping.. he always wondered how it happens she sleeps all flight long, no matter the turbulences or the pressure change.
"Come on Harry, wake her up. We're landing". Harry nodded and soon they all were outside the airport waiting for the car.
Horatio came in 10 mins.
"Thanks H. We could also call the cab".
"Ten mins out of work will be ok.  How was your flight?"
"Fine" Speed  said and saw Harry's look.
H saw it too. "Ok no questions asked. Calleigh I expect you at work as soon as possible tomorrow. We had a very nasty murder yesterday, and everyone has full hands of work. I guess Alexx needs you too, Speed."
He nodded. "When is Courtney coming back, any idea?"
"She said in two weeks. Why?"
"I need her on afternoon shift.
Also Jesse, Natalia and Mel are here to help."
"Jesse? You mean Cardoza? Wow... I haven't seen him since St.Petersburg !"
"Yes I know. He"s here to help. He had similar case, so we have him for a while. He's been here after your..."
"Oh. It will be nice to see him again. Does he know about me?"
"Yeah. Ok. Here we are. Calleigh , leave you here or take you home?"
"I guess I need some time without the Speedle brothers " she smiled.
"All right then. Let's go."
They left and we went up straight to the condo. Left the luggage in the hall and each of them closed the door behing. Speed fell asleep immediately as Alex' pill was still wearing him off.
When he woke up it was dark. Harry was cooking in the kitchen.
"Dr.Woods called. Asked to call her back as soon as you wake up".
"Do you know what she wanted?"
"No. Just to phone her"
I put up the phone. "Alexx?"
"Timmy? How was your flight?"
"So-so. Pill from you kicked me off. What's up?"
"How early can you be at the morgue?"
"Why? Need me?"
"Yeah. Actually very much."
"In two hours".
"Don't need any rest?"
"I rested after the flight. I'll take a shower and be there."
When he opened the morgue door, saw people running.
"Well, busy night?"
"Eeh.. Yesterday we had a DB in the park. It was cut all over and didn't have any fingers, toes and...a head."
"No ID I suppose."
"No. And 2 hours ago we found another on. Also fingerless but with the head of the first one.
The DNA of the second gave a match- Alison Scott".
"Scott? Like senator Scott?"
"Exactly. We've got a high priority and there are no spare hands in the whole building. Can you please assist me and take all the necessary samples?"
"Sure. Let me change my clothes."
After a while Alexx started PM and Speed was packing and tagging the samples for the CSIs.
When the door opened he saw familiar face of Jesse and a black haired woman.
"Cardoza! Haven't seen you in years" he embraced him
"Gee Tim I thought I will never have the possibility;)" he laughed.
"This is Melissa, my colleague. Melissa- Tim Speedle."
"Just Speed. Nice to meet you."
"You too. Have you got anything for us?"
"Yeah a set of samples from the DB1 and some from the  DB2."
"OK. BETTER be going. See you soon."
At the lab Eric was tearing his tired eyes.
"Cal! Can you come and have a look? It's the print found on the face of DB1."
"What's with it?"
"It's only partial I guess.. We need more. "
"Go and look, the body's still in the morgue. "
"Yeah, I will..how's your weekend?"
"Looong " she smiled." But very nice. And as you probably know now- they're finally engaged."
"Yeah so I heard. But not from Speed yet."
" He's at the morgue if you need to talk to him " said Jesse entering "already working".
"Oh..maybe I will. Oh no...what's that?" Eric rolled his eyes
"The gift from him unfortunately. Just brought it. "
"I don't know whether it's good for us that Speed works in the morgue" Eric said. "We've got more samples than with other technicians... "
"But very exact" said Natalia taking some to DNA.
"I ...don't understand...is he a CSI?" Said Mel confused
"Yeah...kinda in progress" Delko grinned. "He's one of us presently working in the ME. that's because we don't have a vacancy here and... That"s a long story. Another time." Delko turned to the box and took his samples out.
The door opened and H. entered "how's it going?"
"We've got to get Speed back, H... He prepared 16 samples from only one DB... "
"I know. But we cannot.. Courtney is gonna be back in 8 days, she will help us. Mel, I guess you two know each other?"
"Courtney Walsh?  Sure. We graduated the same school. Does she work here?"
"Yeah night shift, but now we're taking her here as soon as she's back".
"Nice." She smiled and took her own samples.
"Jesse, I need you to come with me... The kids in the park found fingers... Get your set. "
They both left in a hurry and everyone started working on their samples. When Jesse came back it was about midnight.
"What a view... 6 fingers and 5 toes... They're all yours, girls."  He gave them to Natalia and Mel.
"You know how to impress a girl with a gift, Cardoza..." Mel said with a grim face. They all met at the break room 2 hours later.
"I'm sleepy" said Cal..."I still feel the difference between Miami and NY." 
"Here's your coffee Cal." Delko poured them into cups." The nights not over yet."
"Were you in NY? Did you like it?" Mel kindly asked Cal.
"Yeah. I was there with Tim and his brother. And I met Courtney and her family. But the weekend is over as you see."
"Did he do it right?" Eric asked
"Oh I don't know. I didn't see it. There was a problem with his parents and he got mad, then he had problems with his heart... Lotta talk about. Need to ask him youself."
"Oh. If I ever leave here".
"So Speedle is really getting married?" Jesse asked
"Yeah... I cannot imagine it at all I must say" Natalia nodded. " But it's time for him I guess...and for you Eric too. And Jesse"
"I was married before" he smiled
"I know but it's time for you again... Remember after 40 noone will want you" Calleigh lauged aloud
"Look Who's talking" Eric laughed
"Ok I'm going to get the prints. See you guys soon"
Entering the morgue he felt the familiar smell of formaldehyde.
"Hi Alexx.. I need to process te head once again".
"Oh...it's in the drawer. Tim's there, he will help you".
"Hi man! "
"Delko...what do you want from me at 3 in the morning?"
"I wanna see your body" Eric said
"The body you take the samples from" they both smiled
"How did it go?"
"Fine". Speed already knew what he's asking about. "Everything's set."
"And the parents thing?"
"Not worth mentioning. Some other time. Let me put it that way- I will be considered orphan from this day on" he grinned " and so will Harry"
"You're free?"
"Yeah. I told you- some other time."
"So...the wedding in progress?"
"We need time. We don't wanna hurry. She said yes and that's the most important".
"Congratz man." He braced him
"Thanks bro. Now... Your DB. Let's have a look"

Summer In The City. CSI MIAMI FIC part 4Where stories live. Discover now