The day

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After half a night in the morgue Speed barely stood on his legs. Headache he felt was awful, so he asked Alexx for Advil.
"You're just tired, Timmy. Go to my office and have a short nap in the armchair."
He listened and fell asleep soon after.
Alexx came to wake him up at 2. as the body she was examining was ready to take samples. She found him sweat all over with a high fever.
"Hey!! Tim. Wake up." He opened his eyes barely conscious. "You've got a fever... Is there anything wrong?"
"Just a flu, Alexx...I've got a headache ."
"Yeah. I feel dizzy.And cold."
"Take off your shirt...let me look at you" she bent for the stetoscope. "Your pulse is fast again.. Did you take your pill?"
"Yeah. In the evening." She checked his throat and looked into his eyes. Pupils were a bit widened. "Did you take any medicine before coming here?
Something for flu or cold?"
"No." He said too fast.
"Don't lie to me!!!" She said angrily.
"I dont. I didn't take any medicines"
"I know these symptoms, Tim. What was it? Say it now or I' ll call Horatio."
"Oh, do you have to be like that?"
"No. Say it. "
"Ok. " She disappeared in the next room, coming back with a small cup.
"I want a sample. Now. " Speed knew this look. She was mad as hell.
"You're my employee. I want a sample, or take your things and leave as you are. NOW."
He grabbed the cup and looked at her once again, considering if she possibly changed her mind. She was standing with the hands on her hips, looking tired.And hurt.
He slowly went to the restroom and brought an urine sample.
"Tell me what I'll find there, Tim."
He just hung his head then shook it.
"It was just only this one time..."
"What the hell is GOING ON WITH YOU!!!!"
"Nothing. I'm tired and sick. I have to work, but I can't get up from bed. That's going on with me. No big deal."
"So.Will you tell me or you want me to put name on the probe before I send it to the central lab?"
"Ok". She wrote something on the tube and left.Speed hid his head in his hands. That was all far too much for him...When someone knocked at the door he stood up suddenly.
"Hi." Eric peeped inside. "Alexx told me to take you home."
"What? Why?"
"The tone suggested you shouldn't discuss it. I wouldn't if I were you" he laughed, but when he looked closer, he saw Speed's face.
"What's up mate, huh? Something's wrong?"
"No. I'm fine. Ok. Let's go."
They didn't talk much in the Hummer. Eric saw his friend's red and sweat face so he considered him sick. Speed didn't say a word. When they arrived he left the car with a quiet thx and went inside.
"It was delicious" she said kissing him on the cheek. "Thanks. I have to go though. "
"What a shame... Want me to drop you in?"
"No. Eric waits outside"
"Ok. So see you."
"Till tomorr..Tim! You're home?"
"Yep, Cal".
"Something's wrong?"she said looking closely
"easy man...she didn't say anything wrong... " Harry looked at Tim. He just passed him through and shot the door behind him."It's good Courtney's back tonight,so he'll be easy to live with;) " he smiled to little worried Calleigh
"I'm not sure that's the thing...
Ok Harry. I'm outta here. See you in the evening at my place. Think about what I said."
Three hours later the bell rang again. "Where is he?" Alexx stormed inside
"He's in his...bedroom" he finished talking to nobody as she entered the room and closed it behind her.
"Wake up. WAKE UP NOW!" she pulled his arm strong nad shook
He sat and saw her in front of him. "What do you want? " He asked rude. The slap was so quick that he didn't even realize it. Just his cheek burning with sudden pain told him what she's just done.
"How could you !!!!"
He said nothing.keeping a hand on his left cheek, just sat there.
"Where did you take it from, huh? ANSWER ME!!! Did you steal evidence?"
"How can you even think so?" He said surprised. " It was just one pill. One pill of Desoxyn"
"Of meth, Tim!!! Whatever's the name of the pill, it's still methamphetamine. Did anyone prescribed it to you?"
He said nothing.
"Alexx, did you..."
"No. Wrote the internal number for John Doe."
"Why ? " he looked at her sadly
"Do you want to lose your job? Your licence? Your paycheck?"
"No... But I can't function Alexx...I just can't."
She sat next to him.
"Why?" She said softly. "Because she's not there? I thought you're happy..."
"I am happy with's life is slipping away...when it all started to be in the right place she left, then the case with my so - called parents, then a lotta work, lack of all want me to stand out to your expectations, to be good tech, good husband-to-be, good CSI, pass the exam at high score... And now the course..
I don't know if I can be like that, do like that.... You know I'm rather moody, but I also became... offensive. I yelled at those old people that gave life to me.Why? I don't know. I don't cope with all that, Alexx." He hid his face in his hands.
"Baby... Let me help you Courtney's coming back tonight, she will support you too.I'll fix your schedule to give you some time to rest...but first- I want the bottle of Desoxyn. Now, Tim".
He gave her the bottle
"...And every single day I want a sample. Understood?"
"Now you go to the showers and I'm making you breakfast. And not a word to anyone or we both lose our jobs."
She left for the kitchen and Tim took a shower. After that he entered the kitchen, where Alexx and Harry were talking about ...moving out.
"So... You're moving out???" He said surprised.
"Well...yeah. Probably. Courtney's coming back and you probably want a flat for yourselves."
"Calleigh offered you to move in?"
"Yes. You seem ... angry?"
"No...sorry I've got a headache." His eyes met Alexx' for a while. "I'm gonna live on my own as Courtney wants to keep her apartment yet".
The breakfast was really pleasant and they enjoyed it. Then Alexx ordered Speed to go to bed and promised him to come in the afternoon. Harry was starting at 1 pm, so he peeped into his room to check on him few times.
At 4 Alexx woke him up and being certain he feels better told him to go to the airport. She felt it was the moment he leant over the edge, and was happy that
she' s noticed it on time.
He wore the shirt Courtney liked best and the only pair of clean jeans- Harry was doing the washing while he was still working, so he was happy to have at least that.Dropped Alexx at the morgue and drove to the airport. Standing in the crowd of people waiting for her to arrive, he promised himself to behave. To look at things with an ease. To stress less, but he still felt the nervousness when it came to the word FAMILY. Either the Speedles or... his own.
"Hey!! You'd miss me if I hadn't noticed you" she hugged him tight and kissed. "Oh I missed you so much....and I missed Miami. How nice after cold New York. " He noticed the ring was still on her finger. That made him happy.
"I missed you too, love. You don't even know how much. How tough was the time without you."
"But I'm here, Tim" she looked at him carefully "anythings wrong?"
"No. I'm just tired yeah? I'll take your suitcase. Will you stay at my house tonight?"
"Yes...I'm dreaming of it actually" she smiled and hugged him.
Entering the house she dumped all the things and hugged him tight. "Oh god, Tim...I was waiting for this so long...she started undressing him."
"Baby... Don't." He stopped her
"But ... why??" Courtney looked at him surprised. "Didn't you miss me?"
"I did. But I have to get back to work".
"Tonight? But I thought..."
"Sorry. I had some free hours before to catch some sleep."
"What time do you finish? "
"At 2 am." he lied. " I'll be back as soon as possible."
"O...k....I'll take a shower and unpack " she smiled lightly
"Have something to eat. Be back soon." Speed kissed her forehead and left. When he opened the door to the morgue he sighed.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Alexx looked surprised.
"I panicked" he explained.

Summer In The City. CSI MIAMI FIC part 4Where stories live. Discover now