day 5.

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Speed woke up on the sofa. The noise was entering his head like knife.opened his eyes and saw Harry.
"Hey. Sorry to wake you up."
"What time is it?"
"9.40. Just came back from work. I have a date. "
"With Cal?" Speed sat on the sofa feeling a huge headache.
"Yeah...who else?" Harry looked puzzled.
"Sorry... Haven't woken up yet."
"She told me you're staying late at work."
"I actually should be back there". Speed went to the bathroom to wash his face. Took two Advils and came back. "Why?"
"We... We wanted to eat dinner here actually... But we can eat out."
"No. Drop me in the city ok?
Be ready in 5 mins." He took off his shirt and started looking for a fresh one.
"I can drop you at the CSI building. I'm taking her from there."
"Oh yeah???" Speed was curious. "From the hall??"
"Yeah. That's weird right?"
"No... Not at all" said Speed. 'So she decided to stick to Harry' he thought.
They left and in 35 mins were in the lab. They both entered and came closer to Paula." I'm waiting for Calleigh Duquesne" Harry said loud. Paula picked up the receiver. Jake, standing in the hall, turned around. "Oh Speedle!" Speed came closer. "You're back. "
"Yeah. I was dead tired".
He was looking at Harry suspiciously. His eyes were demanding knowledge. Harry was 10 cms taller than Speed-that made him taller than Jake, too.
"This is Harry. Harry - it's Jake."
"Nice to meet you." Harry was polite as always.
"Yeah me too. Waiting for Cal?"
"Yeah. She said she finished at 10 pm."
Jake laughed. "Yeah...have to wait. She's late as always. "
"I'm not. " Cal said from behind.
"Tim you go home?"
" No. Don't worry. Just came from there. " She kissed Harry with too much affection. "So let's go. Night everyone." And they left.
"Well, well, well... The physio is a youngie" Jake said.
"Yep. 27 or 28."
"You know each other?"
"Yep. He's my brother."
"He reminded me of someone" Jake laughed. "So...Cal found a fresh one."
"He's stable Jake.She needs it. She deserves it, don't you think?"
"Easy Speedle... I'm not gonna get between them."
Speed left for the morgue.
"Did you get some sleep?"
"Yeah Alexx.did you?"
"Yeah. Stetler was looking for you."
"Oh crap... I have to go there. Sorry. Be back soon."
When he knocked at Stetler's office he felt nauseous.
"Speedle. At last."
"I'm working hard Rick. Don't sit behind the desk as the others."
"Don't be cheeky. Sit down.
I've finally got your papers. There is quite a big amount of money. The only condition of the payment is the course."
"The course?"
"You need to attend the course for lab workers."
"Three months."
"Joking, right?"
"No. The FBI is gonna return quite a lot of money but claims that with no exception. Then the exam, and you are an active CSI again."
"I have work in the you know how many hours we spend at the lab and in the morgue now? "
"I know, Speedle. It's not my idea. I'm telling you what they've said.
And the money is worth it I guess."
"How much?"
"That's the amount for my missing life, huh?"
"As I said..."
"I know. Thanks. I'll think about it. "
"You have time till tomorrow. I have to know your decision till 5 pm".
"I'll let you know. Any hours mentioned?"
"7am-4pm. Everyday. But the hours are flexible. "
Speed left with a chaos in his head.
"Have you seen Mel, Paula?"
"No Jesse. She said something about the body .Maybe she's in the morgue. I can page her if you want. "
"No. I'll call her myself."
"Hi Speed. Where are you going?"
"Back to the morgue. You?"
"Me too.'s things?"
"Fine. Yours?"
"Mine too. Listen, Jesse... I've never had the chance to thank you. For recommending me here."
"I hoped it can save you... and your troubled mind. Mind, that- btw - was one of the brightest I've ever seen in police. Just needed positive feedback".
"Thanx" - Speed was embarassed and grateful at the same time. "I know yours, so it's the biggest compliment I've last heard."
They were walking in silence. None of them was a man of big words.
"'re getting married?"
"Just engaged for a while I hope. Getting married is at the end of that road. Eeerm....I've heard about your wife. I'm very sorry Jesse."
"Thank you. Time heals a bit"
"What about your partner?"
"Jep. You seem ...interested".
"Yes. She's great. I haven't met your fiancee yet, but from what I've heard the place they were born must have been blessed with witty ladies with nice looks".
Speed laughed aloud "yeah it must have... Why don't you hit on her?"
"I'm trying.. But she resists. However I like rebels a lot"
they both laughed opening the ME door.
"What's so funny boys?" Alexx turned around and asked
"Nothing" Jesse said looking at suddenly interested in conversation Mel. "Just the guys thing. Sooo.... Mel. Ready to go?" He asked when he saw a probe box in her hands.
"Yep. Thanx Alexx. Bye Speed. You really ARE a monster."
"You're welcome." He shouted back.
"Soo? What's up?"
"Listen, Alexx, I've got a problem......"
When he finished Alexx looked at him sadly.
"Well, what do you want to do?"
"I need this money Alexx. You know me. I'm not a money guy. I don't need gadgets, expensive clothes or a car. But it'd be nice to always have money for the rent and more than two pairs of jeans in my closet. I don't even mention physiotherapy cost- thanks to Harry I've got it free."
"But how are you gonna manage your time? You know I cannot shorten your hours here...I can adjust them a bit, I hope."
"Until 4 I'm there. Then I come here.."
"...for 8 hours, Timmy. That makes midnight. I'm not mentioning overtime we often need. Nor your gym. "
"It's open 24/7."
"Yes it is...Courtney knows?"
"No. Not yet. I'm gonna tell her as she comes tomorrow."
"That won't leave much time for each other...."
"No. What do you suggest me to do?"
"You're right. You need money. I didn't know you lack them so much.... " She said quietly " if you need I'm always at hand"
"I know. But I don't wanna borrow anything. Life taught me to remember I'm mortal. I don't want any debts."
"I understand... Whatever you decide I'll support you. "
"Thanx. I'm probably taking the offer. I'll tell Courtney tomorrow." She nodded and he started his work.
"Well well... What a pair" said Jake to Delko.
"What?" Eric said slowly, completely focused on the job.
"Cal and that... second Speedle".
"Oh, that..." Eric murmured. He really liked Jake but couldn't understand his actions towards Cal. He would himself cherish her the most in the world if she wanted him...he also knew Harry is better for Cal. They look happy.
"So she changed into younger huh?"
"Don't be such a dick, Jake.. "
"Sorry sorry" Jake raised his hands "loyal as always..."
"Stick to the case ok?I'm really tired. " They both leant over the evidence.
"So...just one day,Tim" she said cheerfully. "I'm already packed".
"How's Jamie?"
"Great. I'll miss him. But I also miss my flat and...silence. And you."
"Oh thanx you mentioned" Speed spit the words.
"Oh come on....I've got something for you. Will you take me from the airport?At 6?"
"Sure. Be there. Miss you here."
"Me too. See you tomorrow. "
"Yeah. Lovya". He put the phone down and sighed.
"Tim!! I need you here" Alexx shouted with dirty hands
"I'm coming."

Summer In The City. CSI MIAMI FIC part 4Where stories live. Discover now