Part 12

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I was awakened by Vic shaking my arm. "We are in Nevada, you should come outside instead of being couped up in here." I agreed and got up carefully with Vic's reassurance. I managed to get changed into my blue shorts and of mice and men shirt. I walked off of the bus and was greeted by multiple fans. "They wanted to come see you so i brought them." Vic said proudly. I heard "Hey" and "Hi" from all of them and they just started asking me how I was doing and stuff. A few of the kids pulled drawings and stuffed animals out of their backpacks. I expected them to give them to some of the guys but they gave them to me.

"Thank you" I said and smiled as a girl gave me a little stuffed cat. I couldn't help but notice her cuts. I pulled her into a hug and told her everything would be okay.

"How'd you know I was hurt?" I asked out of curiousity. "We saw the picture tony put up on instagram." One boy who gave a me a drawing said. I sat around and talked to the fans for a while until they went to watch some bands preform. I got on my phone curious as to of what picture tony put on instagram. I found a picture of me in the hospital bed hooked up to a whole bunch of machines.

"We almost lost a amazing girl today, if it wasn't for @austincarlile and @alanashby she wouldn't be here. I can not thank them enough for saving my sister." was the caption.

My chest was hurting but I tried my best to not show it because I didn't want to take my pain pills. "Paige, come on take them." Tony said shoving them at me. "But they make me so tired and I don't want to sleep this whole day." I said.

"Fine. but you will take them in about an hour, I don't care what you say."

"Fine." I said. Austin came up to me and asked if I wanted something from Starbucks. "Can I just go with you?" He immediately said no. "What if we take a golf cart?" We worked it out to where we could take the golf cart so we did.

The Starbucks was only three blocks away but tony and Austin both agreed that I wasn't allowed to walk that far. It was fun to ride on the golf cart anyways. When we got to the Starbucks we went inside and we ordered. When Austin pulled out some money to pay a folded piece of paper fell out. He picked it up and I saw what it said on one of the sides. "To Austin." But it was in my handwriting.

"You kept that?" I questioned motioning to the paper in his hand. "We always keep the stuff that fans give us, this is the picture that you drew of me with squidgy. We have the one your friends little brother drew for me, I started crying when I read it. Its actually hung up in my bunk." I smiled with the memories of my little brother popping into my head. Austin handed me my drink and we headed back to the venue. "Does tony know about your brother?" He asked. I had told him about my brother dying in one of the notes I sent him and I guess he remembered.

"No. I was planning on telling him soon because his birthday is coming up and I normally get really upset about everything on that day." He nodded and explained that he understood. When we got back the guys were playing a set. When Austin left Jack and Alex from All Time Low stopped by to see me. "Hey!" Jack said excitedly. I returned a hey with equal excitement and smiled. "Get outta here!" I heard the voice of a 15 looking 30 year old. Vic and the other guys came around the corner of the bus. "Hey Tony, can I talk to you?"I asked and he proceeded onto the bus.

"What's up?" He asked. "Well I just wanted to tell you that in three days it will be my little brothers birthday. I get really upset around that time and I normally yell at people so don't be hurt." He wanted to know why I got so upset so I explained. "Well my brother died with my mom in the car wreck when I was 7, and it always gets hard for me when August 2nd comes around. I dont enjoy being mad at people but I've always been able to be mad at one person, myself. My "dad" always blamed me for the car wreck, he always told me that if I would've just gone with them they would still be alive. It really hurts to know that your best friend was ripped away from you, he should be fourteen this year. We always went out some where for his birthday, when I was in the hospital for chemotherapy we went to a mini festival they were having close by. But yeah, that's the reason." He looked at me in shock.

"I kind of know what you feel like, but instead of your brother it was you. Every year on your birthday Becca, mom and I would go release however many balloons, like when you turned 13, we let 13 balloons go. Every year it got harder and harder for me. I was 12 when you were born and I became so attached to you even though I only knew you for a short while. I know the feeling of having someone you love so much taken away from you."

Eventually tony made me take my medicine and we talked until I was almost dead asleep. I was able to get into bed and I was knocked out in seconds.

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