Part 13

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Basically for the next 2 days I slept the whole time. When it came to the 3rd day, August 2nd, everyone left me alone. The thing is I didn't want to be left alone, I wanted people to talk to me so my mind would be taken off of things. I decided to go to some of the tents and talk to some band members and maybe some fans. I found myself at All Time Lows tent as Zack, Alex and I sat around laughing at each other. I saw a Matt Lingo and his little boy over at a bus with Adam Elmakias. Pictures of my little brother started popping into my head along with flashbacks. A very distinctive one was of my dad, my little brother and I all playing soccer in the back yard.

"Pass it to me Bryce!" I said and he kicked the ball to me. I fell and scraped my knee and then another flashback came and went.

"Paige, are you okay?" Zack asked. "Oh yeah I'm fine. I'll see you guys later." I said and left. When I got back to the bus I got on as fast as possible and made sure no one was on there with me. It was clear so I locked the door and fell to my knees. I sat there crying unable to control myself. 

There was a knock at the door. "Let me in." I heard Jaime say. I couldn't get myself to my feet so I crawled close enough to the door to where I could unlock it. Jaime got on the bus and sat down next to me. He gave me a big bear hug and we sat in silence for a while.

"Its all okay Paige. He is looking down on you proud, proud to see his beautiful big sister still alive. You can do it, you have so many good people by your side and we will never leave you. It will all be okay Paige." I had calmed down enough to the point in which I could get up and sit on the couch.

"This is the last show so we can head home tonight. You will be able to me your family, and don't worry they will love you." I smiled at the thought of meeting them. I was nervous but at the same time very excited.

Soon enough the guys had a rotation going on to be with me. When Pierce the veil was in a show Austin was with me or Zack or Tyler and Michael. I enjoyed their company greatly and was distracted constantly. The guys were being crazy and it helped a lot. Eventually the day was done and we were on the way home. "Hey Tony"

"Yes Paige?" he replied. "Tomorrow could we go to Huntington Beach? That's where by brother is buried, and so is Mitch. I'd really like to go see him."  Tony nodded happily. "We can definitely do that."

It came the time that we were on the way to the cemetery. I had brought a note with me that I had placed in a box. I planned on putting it next to Mitch's grave and hopefully Jolie and Kena would come see it. When we finally arrived at the cemetery I knew exactly where I was going. I sat down by Bryce's grave and smiled. I had told tony to stay in the car for a bit because I just wanted to talk to him. It may seem stupid but that what I did.

"Happy late birthday bub. I miss you so much, I hope you and mom are having lots of fun up there. Have you met Mitch? I hope so. He is a awesome guy who helped me a lot. I can't describe how hard it is without you here, but tony takes care of me. He will never replace you, no one will, but he is very protective and would never let anyone or anything hurt me. I hope you had a great birthday, I will see you soon." I kissed his tombstone and got up. "Love you bub." I said and walked to the car. I saw tony walk over to Bryce's grave and sit down where I was.

**Tony's POV**

"Hey Bryce. Our sister has told me so many cool things about you, she says you and her used to play soccer a lot. She misses that. I play soccer with her but of coarse it isn't the same. It won't be, because you are one of a kind you can never be replaced. Its hard for her, but I'll be here comforting her. I won't let anything happen to her I promise." I got up and left Bryce's tomb stone and walked back to Paige. I hugged her so tight.

**Paige's POV**

Tony made me so happy with the fact that he went and "talked" to Bryce. I started walking over to Mitch's grave and once again sat down.

"Hi Mitch." I said. I couldn't really talk because I was holding in so many tears. "I never got to meet you but I really wanted too" I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Kena. "Don't cry." She said and hugged me. She wiped away my tears and smiled. "Don't cry because my daddy is gone, be happy that my daddy was here with us and now he is watching over us." I hugged her and stood up.

"I wanted to give you two these things. I made a bracelet for Kena and wrote a note to you. There is also a drawing in there of all of you guys, I thought you might like it." Jolie smiled so big when she opened the drawing. Tears had gathered in her eyes and she was speechless. "This is beautiful, thank you so much."

"I would like to read the letter to you if you don't mind." I said and she handed me the letter.

"Dear Jolie, You are such a strong woman and I admire you so much for that. You are so amazing and I'm proud of you being so brave going on without your other half. I lost my brother when I was little and it was like my other half had been taken away from me, He was my best friend. Now I've found out I'm Tony Perry's little sister and I have a new best friend. He will never replace my little brother, no one could ever replace that one special person in your life but they can fill the hole in your heart. You have inspired me to stay strong and instead of starving myself I got healthy by eating and exercising. Thank you, you are truly amazing. And to Kena, you are also a strong little girl, my mom was taken away from me and its really hard not to have that mother or in your case a father figure in your life, but your mom has found a wonderful guy, he won't replace your dad but he will be like one. Love Paige."

Jolie was in tears and hugged me tightly. "Thank you so much" I handed her the paper and smiled. She asked me for my instagram username and I gladly gave it to her. She told me whenever I need a girl to talk to I can just DM her whenever. "I have to go now" I hugged Kena and Jolie and left.

Tony and I were driving down the highway and talking. I explained to him about Jolie and Kena. Suddenly a maroon Lamborghini comes out of no where going insanely fast. The driver loses control of the car and it slams right into Tony's car. With the speed that the car was going it made our car fly. We landed and the car rolled. I looked around after everything had stopped and I couldn't feel my right arm. "Tony." I said staring at my arm. He could hardly move because of how smashed the car was. I heard faint sirens getting closer and closer. He reached out and grabbed my left hand. "Paige you're okay, its okay." He tried calming me down but I started to have a panic attack. The firefighters and paramedics showed up extremely fast. The firefighters had to use the jaws of life to get me and tony out. I was placed in an ambulance and I still couldn't feel my arm. Blood was everywhere and I was going into shock, everything went black. I woke up faintly being wheeled down the hallway with multiple doctors surrounding my bed. "Doctor I don't think we can save it." I heard one of the nurses say. "We have to try our best."

I woke up what seemed like an eternity later. I saw tony laying awake in a bed next to mine. The rest of the guys were sitting around the room and a woman was sitting next to me holding my hand. "m-mom?" I questioned. "Yes sweetie." I looked over to see Becca asleep on the couch. I looked at my right arm and saw the blanket flat in my bed.

"They couldn't save it sweetie, I'm so sorry." It didn't sink into my brain until I actually place my hand where my arm used to be. I put it on the stub that was now my arm and I finally understood that I had no arm.

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