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Prince POV

I wake up to the sound of yelling. It stops briefly, only to continue moments later. I can't quite make out what it's saying, but I do catch snippets of the loud conversation.

"Keeping him awake" "shut him up" "worthless"

Who's saying that?

I jump out of bed, and briefly check myself in the mirror. I'm wearing my casual clothes, jeans, a gold T-shirt and my white hoodie with a small crown print on the chest pocket on the left. Yes, this is presentable.

I walk to the source of the shouting, which happens to be the common room, walking in to Logan yelling, with a bright red face from anger, and Patton holding his arm... Crying? Why's he crying?

Neither of them noticed I walked in, so continued their argument.

"I don't care! That freak is keeping Thomas awake and I'm going to shut him up!"

"L-Logic, Calm down, please... He- he probably doesn't even know h-he's doing anything.."

Then Logan did the unimaginable. Something that made me angry to my very core.

"Get off of me, you little bitch!"


Morality went stumbling to the ground, holding his cheek as more tears flood out of his eyes. He looks up at logan, terrified. Logan immediately did a double take, realized what he did, and stepped forward, presumably to apologize. But Patton just whimpers and backs up into the wall, still staring at him in horror.

Until that moment, I was frozen in shock. Unfortunately for logic, now I'm not. I run at him, swinging my fist directly at his nose, and pin him to a wall by his neck with my arm. I move my face to no more that 2cm away from his, and bare my teeth like a wild dog.

"If you ever touch him again, I'll rip out your throat and shove it where the sun don't shine. I'd watch my back if I were you."

I glare at him, still pinned to the wall, and a small trickle of blood coming from his nose. He looks terrified.

He nods quickly, so I let go of him, but not before kneeing him in the stomach. He goes to leave, but I call out, "and don't you dare do whatever Patton was telling you not to." He sighs, and comes back and sits in his chair.

I look over to Patton, to see him sitting against the wall, legs laying in front of him, crying into his hands.

So Imma make what I was planning to be this chapter into 2 chapters. Imma try to get another chapter out by the end of the week, but knowing me it'll probably be the week after. And what do you think of the new cover and title?

Also I have almost 6k views?? Wtf how?? When?? Why?? That's amazing!!! Like I'm just some sad 12 year old writing about a youtuber in his room, but like 500 people have seen my story and that means so much to me!!! Like that's insane!!! Like honestly, if you're reading this rn, THANK YOU!!!

Ok that's enough of a rant. Ok bye!

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