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I walk into the common area, and immediately hear Logan mutter, "this guy again." Under his breath. sighing, i go to check if theres anything i could snack on, since i havent had anything in a few days. I pick up some double chocolate cookies, sit in my chair and try to ignored the dirty glances I'm getting from logic. I also try hiding my face the best I can, considering I probably still look like I've been crying.

I cant help but feel self-conscious and like I'm being judged with Logan starring at me while I eat. I end up just making Thomas feel shitty as well. Which, of course, triggered Logan.

"Is that all you came in here to do? Make Thomas feel bad about himself? That's all you're good for. Ruining peoples days."

"Damn right it is"

A trait in a black leather jacket, and skinny jeans walks in, looking at me with a smirk. He quickly looks around, then back at me.

"Where's my chair?" He yells. Looking around once more before looking at me and saying, "Well, I guess this will do." As he says that, he grabs my sleeve, and throws me to the ground. I hit my arm pretty hard, letting out a grunt of pain. That'll leave a bruise.

"What do you think you're doing? Who are you!?" I heard morality exclaim from the control panel. He looks pissed.

"Oh, of course. How rude of me! I'm depression, nice to meet ya. I presume you're morality?" He questions with a smirk.

"Yeah, I am.. Who- how- why are you here!? Thomas is fine!!" Patton yells back.

"Of, of course he is! Thomas is better than ever right now! But, you see, I'm not here for Thomas. Oh no, I'm Anxiety's depression. And by the looks of it, I'll be here a while."


I fidget with my sleeves whilst the others stare at me. Morality looks like he feels sorry for me, prince doesn't look like he's in his own head, and Logan just looks like he couldn't care less.

"So let me get this straight," starts Patton, "you have depression?"
I nod my head, looking intensely at my shoes. He starts to talk again. "Why? Why are you depressed!?" He asks, obviously worried.

I try to stay calm, and reply, "I-I don't know... maybe its.. N-never mind."

"So you brought him here?" Of course Logan would think like that.

"N-no, i-"

"Would you stop talking? You only make things worse. Look, you tried to help, and now Thomas has depression."

Uh oh. Not now. Oh god..

I start shaking a little, looking intensely at the floor. I feel tears in my eyes, and pray to every god I can think of, and more that I've made up, that I don't start to cry or panic in front of them. And just then, we were summoned.

Hi, I'm still not entirely happy with this part, but..
Oh, and if you're being smart and thinking "but depression must be really depressed right??" Then no. He's the emotion of an emotion, which means he's either entirely happy, entirely evil, or entirely neutral.

Shade Boy ~prinxiety~Where stories live. Discover now