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I open my eyes. I'm in a forest. My forest. But... Something's different. Its more... sinister. Its the same bright, green, beautiful sight as before, but... Something is off.

turning around, I hope for any sign as to why it feels darker than usual. And what I see before me... That's something no person should ever see. A sight that will make a man mad.

Bodies. Bodies swaying from every tree, lifeless, almost peaceful, even. If that isn't enough to make your skin crawl, to make you want to scream until your vocal chords snap, then consider this.

They're all me.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands of empty eyes, staring directly into my soul. I try to scream, to call out, to make any sound at all, but... To no avail.

Stumbling back from the ghastly sight, I trip over the root of an old oak tree, sending me plummeting to the ground. Or, what should have been the ground.

I fall and fall for what feels like days, but in reality, was probably only ten seconds. I can see nothing but darkness. Darkness, consuming everything. Even the long, deadly stretches of my mind.

All of a sudden, I'm in the common rooms. But I get the idea that I'm somehow not.

Patton is silently sobbing on the floor, head in hands, while Logan towered over him, yelling words that will probably haunt Patton for weeks. I try to run at Logan, to shout at him to stop, but again, no such luck. I can't move. I can't speak. I'm just stuck, watching this sickening argument take place.

I don't want to watch this; my friend being hurt by this tormentor. I can do nothing to help anyway, so, I close my eyes. Bad idea. What I see, whilst my eyelids remain shut, is the same sight, but with a sickening dark twist...

Logan isn't... Logan. His head is gone. Scratched out, and replaced with the phrase "emotionless freak", in bold, black font. Patton's head is in a similar fashion, except for the phrase was replaced with "getting in the way"

Before I could even begin to contemplate what this could mean, I'm falling again. Although, not for nearly as long. As fast as I start, I've stopped again.

I'm in the room I can quite clearly tell is Romans, and that suspicion is confirmed when he walks through the door, with his usual egotistical strut.

Although, as soon as he walks in, his usual happy go lucky smile is gone. He walks straight past me, indicating that I am either not really here, and walks to his mirror, looking himself dead in the eyes.
I was beginning to wonder why he didn't have words like the others, when I saw his reflection. And oh, it's so much worse. Roman has the words
"BAD GUY" in bold, black letters. Not only where his face should be like the others, but everywhere.

"You're so stupid... You're so freaking stupid, you idiot.. What if he does something? What if there's some dragon witch in that forest!? What if he's dead!? You killed him!! YOU'RE USELESS! YOU FREAKING IDIOT! I HATE YOU!!"

He slams his fist into the mirror, causing it to shatter into a million pieces, before crumbling to the ground, sobbing violently into his hands.

I've just witnessed something I shouldn't have.

I'm back in my forest.

Everything is normal.

I need to talk to Roman.


Yes! Its finally up! I'm so sorry for the huge fucking wait. There's a lot of shit going down on my other account right now xD also the amount of views on this is insane!! Thank you so much!!!

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