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DIVING HEADFIRST INTO THE PLAN, Dumbledore called the devil himself, Tom Riddle, into his office so he could give her a tour around Hogwarts. Like she didn't know every nook and cranny of that god forsaken building.

The brunette girl stared at the professor's office floor as she chewed her fingernail nervously. She couldn't seem to swallow the fact that Tom Marvolo Riddle was going to be here any moment, and even tour her around the school. It all seemed surreal, like she were in some sick and twisted dream that she could never wake up from.

Hermione's head snapped upwards towards the door at the sound of a knock at the door. She felt her breath hitch in her throat when Dumbledore opened the door to reveal a teenage boy standing behind it.

He was really there. The Tom Riddle she'd heard so much about. The Tom Riddle that would one day become the Dark Lord, Voldemort.

Hermione was taken aback at how good looking he actually was. She dug her teeth into her bottom lip as she watched him step into Dumbledore's office, his eyes staring directly at the man. It was like he didn't notice, or didn't care enough for Hermione's presence.

The brunette girl first noticed his unique, onyx eyes. She couldn't believe she was actually thinking this.

"He's a killer!" Her slightly sane side yelled at her intrusive thoughts.

"Aren't you here to change that?" Her voice shot back. The girl almost said something back to her shameful thoughts but was interrupted by Dumbledore's voice filling the silence.

"Thank you for coming down, Mr. Riddle." The boy gave a slight nod as he placed his hands behind his back.

"We have a new student joining Hogwarts." The man faced Hermione.

"Hermione, this is Tom Riddle. Tom, this is Hermione Granger." Hermione felt his eyes fall on her but didn't dare lock eyes with him. She'd never been intimidated but knowing what he was capable of, she couldn't help but feel fear.

She froze when she saw Tom's hand raise out in front of her, expecting hers to shake his. She quickly shook it, feeling his cold hand against hers before bringing her hand back to her side.

"She's been sorted into Slytherin! I'd like for you to give her a tour around the school and make her feel comfortable."

"Of course, sir." His deep voice broke out. It carried no hospitality or warmth, not that it surprised Hermione though.

"Well off you two go!" Dumbledore said. As the girl began to follow the brunette boy out, Dumbledore's voice spoke again.

"Oh, Ms. Granger! A word?" He looked over to Tom. "She'll be out in a moment." Tom didn't say anything and stood outside as Hermione turned to Dumbledore.

"Yes, sir?" She asked, confused.

"Remember why you're here. Do not be scared of him, Ms. Granger. I know you are capable of great things, and your confidence is overwhelming." She nodded. Was it really that obvious she was scared?

"We'll speak soon. Good luck, Ms. Granger." Hermione gave a small smile before leaving the office. She found the boy leaning against the wall to the right of the office door.

He briefly glanced at her before straightening up and walking down the hall as the girl awkwardly followed.

He pointed and named a couple of the rooms and places of the building, all of which Hermione knew like the back of her hand. She had to stifle a yawn at how boring it was. 

"Granger." His voice suddenly said before he hummed in thought. The girl watched him carefully.

"Yes?" She asked slowly, unsure as to why he was saying her last name.

"It's just that I've never heard that last name before." Hermione felt her stomach knot up when she remembered her family origin. If he ever found out she were a muggle-born, Merlin knew what he would do.

"Surely you don't know everyone's last name, do you?" She tried joking to lighten up the mood but he took it sourly.

"I do. That's why it's strange I've never heard yours." His back was still towards Hermione, yet his voice was as loud as ever.

"I don't know what to tell you." She muttered and stared down at her shoes while walking.

And then she felt her face hit a hard surface. She groaned softly before looking up to find Tom staring down at her.

Hermione glared back up at him while she held her nose that was now pounding in pain.

"I hope, for Salazar Slytherin's sake, you're not a....." She narrowed her eyes at him.

"A what?" She spat angrily. A look of surprise briefly flashed across his face at how she snapped but it was gone as fast as it came.

"A mudblood." He said coldly.

The use of the word seemed to freeze her in place. Her lips parted in shock but she rushed to regain her composure.

"Of course not!" She quickly said. Never had she denied being a muggle-born, but right now, she had to.

A part of her wanted to slap him for not just calling her a mudblood, but for even using that racist term. But as much as she wanted to, she had to fit the Slytherin part.

"Now will you continue the tour or shall I get lost myself?" He eyed her suspiciously before turning on his heel and walking towards the Great Hall.

Hermione let our a breath of relief she didn't even know she was holding. She hoped she didn't get caught in more situations like this.

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