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She stood back and watched his expression change from the once hard, icy stare to a happy, and kind smile. She fought the temptation to gasp and run away.

"Hermione? What are you doing here?" He asked in a voice that was too normal. She shook her head and pinched herself.

"What did I do? Oh god...Oh my-"

"Hermione!" He yelled as he got closer to her.

"Oh, uh, sorry." She backed up without realizing.

"What did you do?" He asked, in a kind tone that Hermione was unfamiliar with.

"I messed up my-"

 'future' she thought. 

"...my, uh, transfiguration project. I...I have to go see Dumbledore." She turned around before she could let him speak and ran to Dumbledore's office as fast as she could.

She stopped in front of his door and panted as she stared at the closed door. 

"Darn. Password, uh..." She randomly started blurting random candies.

"Lemon Drops. Sherbet. Uhh- Chocolate Frogs." And with that the door swung open and revealed Professor Dumbledore standing by his window and looking out.

She stepped inside hesitantly.

"Um, Professor Dumbledore?" She asked loudly. He turned his head and gave her a small smile once he saw her.

"Oh hello, Ms. Granger. How can I be of assistance?" He asked as he took a seat at his desk.

She took a deep breath and then felt the word vomit come out
"I obliviated Tom, I'm so sorry please don't be angry..." she said in one breath.

Professor Dumbledore looked at her in confusion.

"What was that, dear? I'm afraid my hearing is not as good as it once was so may you please repeat?" He said. Hermione took a deep breath and repeated, this time more slow and clear.

"I- I obliviated Tom. Im so sorry. I-I"

Professor Dumbledore laughed. She sat there confused.

"Professor?" She asked, genuinely confused. 

'Old hag really finds this funny.' She thought, and then was confused as to why she thought something that rude. It was as if she was possessed.

"Hello!?" She finally raged and slammed her hands on his desk. He sat there smiling while she gaped and stared at her hands. There was NO WAY that was her. Her hands started shaking when she hoped what just happened wasn't what she thought it was.

As if he could read her mind, he spoke.

"I'm afraid that since you weren't putting much effort into your obliviation, Tom's old soul has entered yours." She almost fell backwards in shock.

"But-but..." She gaped as she tried searching for the right words. Her brain seemed to lose its ability to function properly.

"Can he see my memories?" Dumbledore didn't say anything and instead turned back to the window. 

"Professor?" She persisted. His silence was not helping Hermione calm down. 

"I'm not entirely sure. It rarely happens, that's why I know so little of it." Hermione almost ripped her hair out. 'I'm not entirely sure'?! How extremely vague, and totally fine if Tom saw her memories because it's not like he'll kill her.

But then again, he'd kill her for obliviating him. 

"How does he-how do i- How do I get rid of him?" He looked away quickly and shook his head.

"A very long and painful exorcism will have to be performed." She rubbed her sweaty palms on her Slytherin robe.

"I...I'll do it." She said confidently. Professor Dumbledore nodded.

"I'll tell you once I've found someone." She nodded and was about to leave until he called for her.

"And, Ms. Granger, please watch yourself and have great control. Close your mind and don't let him take over." She closed her eyes and nodded, back still towards Dumbledore. She walked out of his office and sulked towards the Slytherin common room.

Hermione said the password and walked to the girls dorm.

"I'm still here." Tom's deep voice broke out in her head as she was about to change. She jumped, thinking he was behind her and let out a sigh of relief when there was nothing there.

She completely forgot that he sees what she does.

"You've got nothing to be scared of, Granger. That is until I get out. You didn't think you'd leave this mess unscathed, did you?" Hermione stiffened at his words echoing in her head. His cold and icy tone made her worry for what was to come.

"I could make you kill yourself right now." Hermione seemed to zone out for a few seconds and looked down to find her wand in her hand, pointed at her abdomen.

"You'd die too." She challenged, her voice shaking slightly as she slowly set her wand down next to her on her bed. 

Hermione took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She grabbed her Slytherin tie and used it as a blindfold over her eyes. It took her 20 minutes to get ready without Tom seeing her naked body, and when she finally finished, she jumped into bed.

The girl desperately wanted to sleep, but the thought of Tom somehow getting into her memories and figuring out her plan ate her brain. She stared at the darkness ahead of her as she lay wide awake, her blanket wrapped around her tightly to keep the chilly November weather out.

And to keep the big bad monsters away. But her biggest monster was literally inside of her.

That thought kept her up all night. 

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