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The next morning, Hermione made her way to her first class, Defence Against the Dark Arts. She didn't know if he would be in her class or not, so it was all she thought about from the minute she woke up.

"Just forget about him." She told herself over and over. She finally reached the classroom, only to find nobody there. Not even the professor.

She mentally cursed herself for showing up so early and looking like a nerd. She quickly took a seat in a table near the front of the classroom and turned her focus towards her book,

Defence Against the Dark Arts Year 6. She was so busy reading that she didn't realize everyone coming in. She also didn't realize someone slide beside her.

Eventually, she raised her head up and found that everyone was in the class already. She turned to her side and saw a redhead with freckles splattered across his cheeks and nose.

"A Weasley." She thought.

The Professor scanned the students but a Hermione's face likely caught her eye. The woman squinted her eyes at Hermione like she were processing her face.

"Are you new here, my dear?" The professor asked Hermione kindly. Hermione didn't notice that she was talking to her until she looked around and realized.

"Oh, uh, yes ma'am." She stuttered, trying to keep her Slytherin persona believable.

"Well! Come up here and introduce yourself!" The professor said with a huge smile.

Resisting the temptation to groan, Hermione feigned a smile and made her way to the front of the class. The girl inhaled slowly before speaking to her classmates.

"Uh, well, my name is Hermione Granger and I come from H- Beauxbatons." She dug her nails into her palm at her mistake. Her eyes landed on a brunette boy that watched her with his head slightly tilted.

Merlin's beard. He was here in this class. And the sight of him made her completely forget what she was talking about.

"Um, I like reading and studying. That's pretty much it." Hermione ripped her eyes away from him and finished speaking. She gave a smile and walked back to her seat. She felt eyes follow her back to her seat and knew who's it belonged to, yet she didn't try and look over at him.

"Well, I am your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Laceheart!" Hermione nodded.

"Just as a test to see where you are at performance-wise in DADA, I will put you against our top student, Mr.Riddle."

The girl bit her lip as she began to panic slightly. DADA was probably Tom Riddle's best subject. She slowly got up from her seat and watched the Riddle boy send her a smirk as he walked past her to the front of the class.

Hermione pulled out her wand with a sigh.

"Alright, 3,2,-"

"Stupefy!" Tom interrupted the teacher before she could finish her countdown. Hermione almost scoffed at how predictable he was.

"Ennervate!" She yelled back quickly as she pointed her wand at him. His spell was blocked. Tom exhaled sharply before opening his mouth to chant, but Hermione was quicker.

"Alerte Ascendre!" She shouted. The spell hit Tom in the chest and threw him backwards. He quickly got up and raised his wand at the girl.

"Conjunctivitis!" He yelled. Thankfully, Hermione had heard of that spell and knew how to block it.

"Finite Incarcerous!" She shouted and countered the spell.

"Okay, alright! Take your seats!" Laceheart stepped in between the distance the two kept between each other. The class reacted in both shock and awe at what just happened.

"Well done, Ms. Granger! You really are skilled at the Dark Arts." She directed the two back to their seats. Hermione sent Tom an innocent smile to taunt his loss. The look of fury on his face was hysterical to her.

Tom gripped his pencil to hold him back from using wand-less magic at the girl. There was something new about her every minute. Her last name, and now that she was incredible at the Dark Arts?

It made no sense whatsoever.

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