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Hermione woke up with a raging headache and no sense of where she was. She lifted her head up but brought it right back down when she felt a sharp pain in her head. She rubbed her forehead as she looked around, finding that she was in the Hospital Wing.

"She's awake, Madame Clayrin." Said a voice to her left.

She turned her head and saw Tom. She narrowed her eyes because she remembered everything now.

"What are you doing here?" She said harshly.

"You drank too much last night and passed out."

"Because of you." She scoffed and looked away, not willing nor going to talk to Tom.

"Whatever. It's fine." She said to try to rid of the awkward silence between them.

Hermione stared at the ceiling above her, wishing she could sink into her bed and present herself to her future.

She sighed and realized Tom was still there.

"Who were you talking about yesterday?" Hermione seemed to blank out because she was confused what he meant.

"What do you mean?" Tom rolled his eyes.

"He who must not be named." Hermione stiffened at his words. She couldn't believe she let that slip out.

"I don't know, I was drunk." Her excuse was terrible, and they both knew it. Tom eyed her suspiciously, and opened his mouth to speak but Hermione's yawn interrupted him.

"I think I'm done here." He got up to leave but the brunette girl did something she knew she may regret.

She reached out for his arm, looking up to find him staring at her fingers wrapped around his forearm.

"Do you think you can stay?" She batted her eyes innocently and hoped he'd stay so she wouldn't look dumb.

After a brief silence, Tom gave a half-nod and sat back down beside her. Hermione felt a tad bit stupid when he pulled his hand away from hers and rested it in his lap, but she seemed to forget about it as she began to doze off into a deep sleep.

When she woke up, Hermione wasn't surprised to find the seat next to her empty. The girl rolled over and shoved her face into her pillow in defeat. Tom was unbreakable, and trusted nobody, which wasn't great for her cause. 

"Hey!" A familiar voice yelled. Hermione raised her head from her pillow and turned to find Abraxas Malfoy marching towards her. Lestrange and Avery, two other Slytherin buffoons, were behind him as well.

She watched him stand at the end of her bed and glare at her.

"Where's Tom?" She rolled her eyes at him.

"How would I know?" He sneered at her.

"Because we know he was here with you. You were too drunk to function, you alcoholic." Lestrange spoke up from behind Malfoy. Hermione stared at them in disbelief.

"I am not an alcoholic." The blonde Malfoy clenched his jaw as he reached into his pocket.

"I won't ask you again. Where is-"

The boy's words were interrupted by his body being thrown across the Hospital Wing. Hermione gasped and sat up before spinning around to see who did that to him.

Tom stood there with his hands behind his back and an unreadable look on his face.

"I'm right here, Malfoy." The blonde boy silently grunted as he stood up and held his right shoulder in pain.

"Where have you been?" Hermione was shocked at Abraxas' harsh tone towards Tom. She dug her front teeth into her bottom lip as she watched a muscle tick in Tom's jaw.

He slowly walked up to the boys and whispered something into their ears that made them go pale. The 3 of them quickly left the Hospital Wing for no reason other than possibly what Tom said.

"Why did you do that?" She asked him, praying he wouldn't snap on her too. He looked at her and put his hands in his robe pockets.

"The way you constantly defend others. You reek of Gryffindor pride." He sneered at the word like it was some kind of filth. Hermione felt her heartbeat quicken at his words. She really didn't know how to be a Slytherin.

"Gryffindor? Have I really gotten that low in life?" She tried to seem offended at the thought that she'd ever be in Gryffindor, but it was hard to try and berate a house that great.

"I suppose not." Hermione eyed him cautiously as he made his way out of the Hospital Wing with no other words.

Hermione thought she was still drunk from last night and tried to properly process what just happened. Did he stand up for her?

She would usually say no, but there was no other excuse she could think of.

Hermione laid back on her pillow and felt a smile wither onto her face. He was beginning to trust her which was exactly what she needed.

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