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Hermione swallowed hard to try and rid her throat of the dryness it currently felt. She watched intently with her front teeth dug into her bottom lip as her clone crawled out from under the chandelier. She let out a breath of relief when she saw she was fine. Or at least she thought she was.

Hermione's hand flew to her mouth when she saw a dark green fog leave her reflection's now wide open mouth. The mist travelled past Dumbledore and stopped in front of Tom and Hermione. The group of people looked around, confused, as they couldn't see the duo.

The fog seemed to spin rapidly. Hermione squinted to see what it was circling around, and felt her breath hitch in her throat at the sight before her. The fog surrounded a future Dark Lord, Voldemort. The bald head, no nose, red slit eyes. Hermione stepped back when she saw the malicious grin directed towards them. She took a step back and hoped he wasn't actually there.

Hermione slowly turned her head towards Tom to find him staring at the Dark Lord in an unreadable expression. From what she could tell, it looked like he was trying to make out who the stranger was in front of them.

"It's you." She blurted out. Hermione managed to catch a glimpse of shock on his face before he quickly covered it with his expressionless look.

"No..." She watched his Adam's Apple bob up and down as he swallowed nervously. As Hermione was about to speak again, she felt a sudden, shooting pain in her head and let out a groan. She shut her eyes tightly, and heard Tom let out a soft exhale in pain from beside her.

She groaned as her head pounded from the sharp pain. The girl froze when she saw what was flashing in her head.

She saw brief seconds of Tom's life.

Tom asking Slughorn for help, yet Hermione didn't interrupt their conversation.

Tom researching the Dark Arts.

Tom creating his Death Eaters and the Dark Mark.

Tom creating Horcruxes.

Tom no longer being Tom, and instead the terrifying Dark Lord, Voldemort.

Everything suddenly flashed white, until it turned back to the darkness of her eyes being closed. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Tom standing, letting out heavy pants with his eyes wide.

"You're from the-"

"Future. Yes." Hermione was slightly disappointed he wasn't more surprised at the idea of her being from the future. He didn't even remotely look shocked.

He turned his head.

"We're gonna get thrown back in about-"

"Don't you wanna know about what-"

"Don't interrupt me." He hissed coldly. "As I was saying, we're going to get thrown back in 3, 2, and 1."

As if on cue, the both of them flew towards their bodies and Hermione was, once again, engulfed in darkness.

Hermione opened her eyes to see the empty Great Hall. She slowly lifted herself up and saw she was in her own body again. Everyone around her turned towards her with looks of both worry and relief.

"I'm....I'm fine." She said in a hoarse whisper.

They all let out a breath of relief. Dumbledore helped Hermione up and the group slowly left the Great Hall. Not after they all applauded Hermione for being so strong, though.

Dumbledore eyed Hermione warily as she stared at the area where her and Tom watched the entire show from.

"Ms. Granger?" She snapped back into reality and turned towards the man slowly.

"He knows. He knows I'm from the future." Dumbledore opened his mouth to speak but only shut it close again.

"Where's his body?" The girl looked around frantically and was about to run out of the Great Hall to search for him before Dumbledore stopped her.

"Wherever he is, he will not hurt you." He glanced down at his watch.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but for your safety, it seems now would be the right time for you to go back." Hermione wiped the sweat from her brow.

"But what will happen to...him?" She asked. Dumbledore pursed his lips.

"Time will tell. I will have to try and step in." Hermione nodded before realizing the Time-Turner was in her dorm upstairs.

"I forgot it's in my room." She groaned slightly.

"Then I shall escort you there. It's far too dangerous for you to go alone." Hermione shivered at the thought of being caught in a hallway alone with Riddle.

The two walked out of the Great Hall and up the stairs, with Hermione being as paranoid as ever. She did a sweep with her eyes to make sure the hallway was empty before walking, regardless of the fact that Dumbledore was next to her. Usually, he'd make her feel safer, but tonight was different. His presence did calm her down a bit, but she could feel the danger lurking around her.

Hermione let out a small sigh of relief when she could see the common room door from across the hall. Almost there.

"Do me a favour, Ms. Granger." Hermione looked at him curiously.

"Try and forget about all of this. It will do you good." Hermione gave a half-nod and quickly muttered the Slytherin password as they approached the common room.

She sped into her dorm and bee-lined for her sock drawer. As predictable as it was, she hid the time-turner inside of her drawer, but not without a spell to protect it from being taken.

She quickly whispered the incantation to break the spell as she pulled the drawer open. The brunette quickly grabbed the only pair of white socks she had and reached a hand in. Hermione let out a breath of relief when she felt the shape of the time-turner in her hands.

She gently put the device in her pocket before she quickly tip-toed out of the common room and went back outside. Dumbledore was standing by the common room patiently, waiting for Hermione.

"I got it!" She whispered, to which he nodded.

"I think you should do it back in my office. It's more safe." Hermione nodded and opened her mouth to speak, but came to a halt when the body beside her suddenly hit the ground with a thud.

"Professor Dumbledore?" She crouched down next to him as she shook his body wildly. Hermione felt her heart beat against her ribcage as she slowly turned her head to the side.

With a squint of her eyes, she could barely make out a silhouette of a figure standing some feet away from the two at the end of the hallway. The girl felt her body begin to tremble when she realized who it was.

Hermione held her breath and gently stood up to at least attempt to run off.

But as she turned around, ready to run, she felt a spell hit her square in the back and she fell victim to the darkness she was all too familiar with.


this scene is completely diff as well LOLLL sorry but i had to bc things were moving way too fast when i first wrote this.

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