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HERMIONE STEPPED OUT OF THE shadows and forced her eyes at the figure before her. There she was, face to face with Tom Marvolo Riddle. The man who, as despicable it sounded, she once loved.

Her eyes darted to the bloody and limp body that belonged to her best friend, Harry James Potter.

"Hermione?" Tom's stern voice said. He didnt look like Voldemort, he came out looking like his past self, which shocked everyone.

Hermione took a deep breath and stepped towards him while staring into his onyx eyes. With each step she took, memories with him hit her like a wave.....


"Hermione, you must take this.-" Dumbledore forced the timeturner into her hand. "- go back 50 years, to when Tom Riddle was in his sixth year."

Blood gushed out from his abdomen as he held his bloody hand over it. He could barely make out a word let alone a sentence.

"But, but, what about y-" She stuttered as she stared at his wound.

Dumbledore nodded reassuringly.

"I'll be fine! Go, dear." He said in a whisper as the sound of spells and screaming came from outside the window of his office. The man glanced towards the window, sadness cowering behind his brave facade.

He turned back towards the Granger girl and gave a weak smile, one that Hermione could see right through.

Tears filled Hermione's eyes as she unwillingly turned away and spun the time turner 5500 times.

As she spun the device as fast as she could for a few minutes, she felt her surroundings begin to distort. Her vision was blinded by a bright white light as she realized she was spinning uncontrollably. The girl gripped the time turner in her hand as she shut her eyes in fear.

Hermione's eyes flew wide when she felt her feet touch the ground again. She was sprawled on the floor of, what looked like Dumbledore's office. It was the exact same room, yet it had different belongings.

'He wasn't headmaster yet!' She reminded herself.

A younger version of Dumbledore locked eyes with her and he nodded as he gave her a smile. Hermione's heart fell to the floor. That smile. He didn't know what a painful death was waiting for him. She gulped down her tears as she rushed to stand up.

The man walked in front of her and raised his hand out to greet her. Hermione faked a smile and shook his hand.

"You must be the transfer! Quite an entrance, I must say." He joked. Hermione could tell he knew something was wrong.

"Forgive me, but I didn't quite catch your name. You are...." Hermione bit her lip, unsure of whether or not she should give her real name.

"Hermione. Hermione Granger." He squinted his eyes at her.

"I'm sorry, that name isn't familiar." Hermione mentally cursed herself.

"Professor Dumbledore, is it?" she asked, acting dumb. He nodded.

"Okay- well- see. Please listen." She took a deep breath, trying to steady her rapid heartbeat.

"I'm from the future. 1998 to be exact. Voldemort or, sorry, Tom had killed everyone and y-someone told me to come back in time to convince him to change" She said in one breath.

She watched as Dumbledore's face didnt change, he only stroked his beard.

"Well, we will have to begin this mission of
yours fast then. Lets give you a private Sorting Hat session and then you can go join your house." He said as he clapped his hands.

A stool and a hat appeared to Hermione's left. She sat down on the stool, caught off guard at how nonchalant the man was at the whole thing.

Dumbledore placed the hat on her head and stepped back, eyeing the girl.

"Hmmm. Interesting. Oo, Gryffindor ah? See you'd do amazing there, but Ravenclaw. Yes yes!" The hat spoke out.

"Your kindness though would fit perfectly in..."

Hermione prayed she wouldn't get sorted into Hufflepuff. The hat gave something like a snort and yelled out the unimaginable.


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