A minor setback

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Evan was sitting with a group of friends, when some girls walked up to them. "Hey Evan, could I talk to you about something?" one of the girls named Rose asked, As Evans friends began to nudge him and laugh. Evan went to walk away with the girl, as they walked down the hallway, everyone stared. Since they were both the most attractive in the school, it was like two dazzling celebrities were purifying the hallway. They made their way outside to the front of the Garden. "Thanks for coming out here with me" she said smiling at him, and then she began to look around the area. "I was thinking that since we get along so well, that we should date" Rose said proudly, like she didn't have a care in the world.

As this was taking place, Jon had just arrived at school, he began to drag his feet from the tiring day he had yesterday. "How can I feel so refreshed and tired at the same time" he thought to himself. He went to his locker and then started walking down the hallway. As he walked he caught sight of Evan, who was walking back over to his group of friends. Jon stood there and watched the three guys, as they all laughed together. He then started to walk past them. "He didn't say anything" Jon thought to himself "He completely saw me...does that..." Jon froze, making the people behind him, run into him. "D-did he he-hear m-me yes-yesterd-day" He thought to himself, as he mouthed the words.

Lunch time rolled around and Evan didn't arrive until there were only ten minutes left till classes began again. "He's completely silent... but if he heard me, there's no way he would have showed up". The silence continued for a bit, until Jon spoke up. "A-are you alright?" He asked, unsure if he should have said anything. Evan jumped a bit, snapping him out of a daydream "Oh, yeah... sorry I'm fine" it was short and uneasy sounding, and most of all it sounded like a lie. Jon looked forward, realizing he shouldn't have pried. "I guess we really aren't that close then..." Jon thought. "What did I expect the most popular guy at school actually confiding in the loser" He continued to beat himself up, but he couldn't help it. He couldn't help feeling so far away from this person, and every time it was more and more painful, knowing that he'll never have him. Knowing that anyone could sweep him away without a care, knowing that he could willingly step away without caring, without looking back to see someone who truly loves him.

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