Betrayed Immortal

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I have nothing any more thanks to him. I swear on the river styx if I see him again I'll kill him.

He has all my friends, my beautiful girlfriend, my teacher. He even has both of my homes since I've been kicked out of Camp Half-Blood for starting a fight with him for being... Him. Then my Mom kicked me out for apparently almost killing Paul, my Step-Dad.

Peter filled my friends and families head with lies. So I left. I sprinted as far as I could go until I ran out of breath, then I started sprinting again with my sister and two best friends at my side. I was planning on never looking back on my old life again.

We were saved from ourselves by the most powerful being ever, Chaos, creator of the universe and my sister and I's adoptive Father. It's been four hundred years since we've been gone but yet, we look no older than seventeen because we've been turned Immortal and excepted a higher title than being a Planet 0 God or Goddess.

I don't think you know how great it is to be turned Immortal when your in your prime. You feel like a teenager, look like a teenager, but have the maturity and knowledge of a grown-up. You have the energy and the reflexes of a teenager as well which means your fighting is still great but with your experience from age its even better.

We're happy with our new life and here's the story of how I got here and how no one can take it away fr...

Never Mind!

Betreyed ImmortalWhere stories live. Discover now