that girl

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Algee p.o.v
I walked into work with a weird vibe

Me: y'all did something

Keith: nope nope

He went back messing with the shoes

Me: woody?

Woody: you look tired bro

Me: what did yo ass do

I started walking up on him

Woody: you remember that girl from yesterday

Me: yeah

Woody: well I  I-

Luke: Woody invited her back!! She's upstairs in your office!!

Woody: really nigga

Keith: you fucking snitch

Luke: ay someone had to say it

Me: Imma deal with y'all asses later

I ran up the stairs to my office

Me: why would he do that

The door knobbed turned and I entered seeing her sitting on the couch

Girl: uh hi sir

I looked at her with annoyance

Me: hi..

She put her hand out

Ryan: my name is Ryan

I didn't shake her hand

Me: well ryan why do you want to work at bbj

Ryan: I just need some money

Me: that's your reason..

She shook her head yes and I started laughing

Ryan: Algee right

Me: yeah it's algee

Ryan: I didn't say anything funny

Me: you kinda did

She rolled her eyes

Ryan: am I hired or what

I was observing her..I got to admit she does look good in this crop top and shorts

Me: one condition tho

Ryan: and that is

Me: don't fuck around with my bros

Ryan: ok

Me: your start right now

Ryan started walking to the door

Me: no you up here with me

Ryan: oh

She sat back down

Me: how old are you

Ryan: 18

Me: high school or-

Ryan: online college

She kept looking at my lips

Me: iight you can go

She got up and left

Me: it's something about her
End p.o.v

Ryan p.o.v.
I am walking down the stairs

Me: I got the job

Woody: yes yes

Me: so-

Woody: that's Keith and that's luke

Luke came up to me and gave me a hug. Keith came over and kissed my hand.

Me: (blushes) oh wow um

Keith: damn she red

Luke: we don't bite

Woody: you okay

Me: yeah I'm good

Shit no I'm this gonna be hard working with them

Algee: get back to work

They went back to their sections

Me: erm I don't know what to do

Algee: then fine something to do

Um rude

Me: um okay

I started messing with the posters

Algee: you know that's not gonna get us any money right

Me: but yo ass-

I cut myself off and went to Luke's section

Luke: just ignore midget

Me: (laughing) alright
End p.o.v

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