Five grand

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Keith and woody was inside of the shop putting stuff off. Bryshere and Zoe was watching them. Bryshere lit his blunt and sat on the hood of his car.

Woody: Keith did you lock the door

Keith: of course

He put the key in his pocket and they started walking

Woody: aye where you get that watch from

Keith: uh I think from my dad I-

Bryshere: wassup my niggas

Woody turned around with his fist bald up

Woody: you wanna get yo ass beat again bryshere

Keith giggled a little

Bryshere: ha ha very funny but I wanna ask y'all something

Keith: what is it

Bryshere: y'all wanna run a train on this hoe real quick

Woody: nigga what

Bryshere: I'll give y'all five grand even

Woody: five grand you say hmm

Keith slapped woody on his neck

Keith: sorry but no

Bryshere: aw come on Keith we already know you out here slanging ya dick for some money

Woody; bro what the hell are you talking about

Bryshere: ask ya boy

Woody p.o.v
This awkward silence is getting on my nerves

Me: Keith

Keith: hmm

He looked at me

Me; what he said back there-

Keith: it ain't true iight

Me: iight bruh

I feel like he's telling the truth but i dont know
End p.o.v

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