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Amandla p.o.v
This nigga fired Ryan

Keith: Ryan what do you mean you got fired

He walked into our living room putting on his pants

Ryan: I got fired besides that nigga don't pay enough

Keith: true but-

Me: speaking of money

I pushed Keith into the hallway of my apartment building and gave him 200

Keith: I got a question

Me: yeah

Keith: when are we going to stop doing this and get serious

Me: umm well I-

Keith: how about now? Amandla!?

Me: Keith I'll think about it

I slammed the door in his face

Me: damn it damn it

Ryan: he asked you to be his girl huh

Me: Ryan don't even start-

Ryan: I told you y'all would fall in love

Me: and I told you not to mess with Algee

She gave me the middle finger
End p.o.v

Keith p.o.v
Counting my money walking with Algee

Me: man why you fire her ass

Algee: i didn't fire her she quit

I can tell gee is lying because he always scratching his chin

Me: hm or is it that fact that y'all fucked and you like her

Algee: Keith you- i ugh yeah

He started texting on his phone

Me: yee I'm always right

Algee: where you get that money from Keith

Me: I found it gee

I can't tell him my secret yet

Algee: oh okay
End p.o.v

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