Brothers keeper part 2

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Algee p.o.v
How come he didn't tell me in the first place

Me: Ryan can I ask you something

Ryan: sure

She flopped down on my bed

Me: it's about Keith

Ryan: okay what about

Me: did you know about Keith being a prostitute

Ryan: (laughs) he's not though

Me: soo why you ain't tell me baby

Ryan: if i told you. Yo ass would go crazy

Me: no I wouldn't

Ryan: yes you would besides it's none of our business

Me: well it's my business now

I went back flicking through channels

Ryan: well keep it to yourself baby

Me: and baby stop hiding shit like this to me

She gave me the side-eye
End p.o.v

Ryan p.o.v
Walking into my room and I see amandla sleeping in my closet

Me: girl if you don't get yo ass up

I kicked her in her arm

Amandla: mama I said five more minutes


She looked at me

Me: whaat the hell are you doing in here

Amandla: I was looking for an outfit

Me: mhm

Amandla: your clothes are nice

She grabbed my black dress and ran out
End p.o.v

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